Thursday, December 26, 2024- 4pm

Thursday, December 26, 2024- 4pm



Thursday,  Decemeber 26, 2024- 4pm

Thursday, December 26, 2024- 4pm

Thursday, December 26, 2024.

The day after Christmas, the first Day of the Magi Astrologer Kings – (note: update on our journey below).
Our first day of walking with the Magi Astrologer Kings – from east to west. Following the star Sirius.
The knowledge from the east travelling to the west.
We walk with the astrologer kings, seeking the holy child.
The new light of the world. We will be the gift given to the child.
More tomorrow.

Update on where we are, how we are, etc.
We drove down to the village where our apt is (the airb&b).
It is taped off, no trespassing. Interesting, our temporary apt. is the only apt. in the county of Santa Cruz, taped off due to the explosion & fire. The building behind that was on fire & exploded is still there, leaning against our apt building (see photos yesterday). Before we can re enter our building, the destroyed building has to be removed. We did not see any removal people. The area is being walled off (from onlookers) & it is apparent that no one is allowed to enter our building. All of our things are in there. We wonder what is the purpose of & for this experience.
Why are we unable to return home? We wonder about these things. In the meantime, in temporary place (Hampton Inn), untl further notice & until the restriction is lifted. It could take days.
We wonder about all of this – its function & purpose.
Uranus brings disruptions, interruptions, events that are shocking & eventful – & the humans involved have to cultivate adaptability. We are trying. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

14 + 2 =

Thursday, December 26, 2024- 8am

Thursday, December 26, 2024- 8am



Thursday,  Decemeber 26, 2024- 8am

Thursday, December 26, 2024- 8am

The Explosion early this morning – what happened.
How we are – our day today – Christmas Day.
Baptism of air, water & fire.
The Initiations. Mars – the tests.
Summoning courage….
When we first arrived a tornado happened
in a place where no tornadoes ever happened.
Then the surf began to rise at the seashore.
30 ft waves were expected.
There was fear that it would inundate the village.
Our apartment was right at the seashore.
So we were evacuated from our apartment (airb&b).
Our apt. was/is on the second floor overlooking the water.
Access (for me) – the elevator.
We returned after the water evacuation…after a day or two (yesterday at 5pm).
And then at 5am this morning we were awakened by an explosion,
loud, terrifying, like a bomb. We rushed outside to our
2nd floor veranda, & I said to A…I smell gas.
A said, put your shoes on, I’m taking you down the elevator in case the electricity goes off.
Putting on my sandals, still in my nightgown, we went down the elevator & I got into the car (safeguarding me due to my disabled).
A went back up to the room to get necessities.
But who can think in such a crisis & disaster?
What to take? I had taken my cell but left my purse & medications.
While waiting for A in the car I began to see embers, fiery embers falling…huge fiery blobs were falling from about down & all around –
I was worried about A & about the embers.
The fire engines kept coming, red flashing lights everywhere, police on motorcycles – & a policewoman came to the car as i sat there & said to me….get out, get out now!
I called to A….the embers were beginning to burn the paint on the car. It was a new car to us (2000 Jeep Laredo).
A finally came out w/ computers & I don’t remember what else & got into the car. We navigated out of the parking lot & onto the streets & thru the 7 fire trucks with red lights flashing.
Being told don’t run over the hoses!
We still didn’t know what happened, & we were in shock.
The air was filled with smoke, the smell was gas mixed w/ chemicals.
The question – Where to go at 5 in the morning in one’s nightgown? We drove to the top of the hill overlooking the wharf & water & the village by the seashore & sat there for 3 hours watching the red lights of the fire trucks.
Dawn happened, then the sunrise – beautiful orange & pink, colors filled with sunlight.
We needed a bathroom, gas for the car, some coffee, some information, some food & someplace to go for the day (& night).
The police told us of a public bathroom which we found just as the sun was rising & when in the stall the toilet paper container fell & broke when we touched it. O my G….what else!
Later, driving around – what is open on Christmas day? – we found an open gas station with a car wash & tried to wash the black embers off the car. We had to scrub them off. But they had burned into the paint.
We looked for a place to buy coffee but it’s Christmas day & nothing is open. We finally found a Denny’s & I changed my clothes in the parking lot. I had laughed at the surfers being naked & changing their clothes under towels & muumuus. And here I was in the Denny’s parking lot, taking my night gown off & putting a coat over myself. I didn’t care at that moment & simply took my nightgown off. It didn’t matter that I have nothing else on.
And so…we had coffee & breakfast at Denny’s (a place I would never go to for food). We were in a state of shock.
Later we went back to the village to see if we could retrieve anything from the apartment. The police gave A five minutes – for meds, basic clothes, essentials. All the fire trucks were still there, the roads were roped off, no surfers could bring their cars or trucks in (they walked in barefoot to where they surf), no one who lived around the fire could enter any buildings.
And so….
We drove around for hours today on Christmas day. Trying to figure out what was possible, what was available, what was the right thing to do, what could we do?
Several friends offered different levels of support – places to stay, food, kind words, etc.
We had to find out what was best.
Most of all for me was visiting Matthew. We had promised to take him to a gathering but that didn’t happen. In between checking with the fire chief multiple times, driving around to places that were offered to us, talking to people, trying to balance shock with practicality & tell people who asked us what happened, remembering it was Christmas day we asked when do we see Matthew? And all of a sudden it was 3pm on Christmas day & what had we done?
We finally went to a Hilton hotel. A miracle – they had a room available that as an assessable room. This brought us some comfort. Then we visited with Matthew for three hours til his care person came.
Afterward, we had dinner with Laura & her family. A beautiful dinner, a beautiful calm art filled environment, candles lit everywhere. It was comforting.
Then we went back to the Hilton, which is where we are now. Glad to be safe, in a safe clean room.
And so….
Thinking about this situation I say to A over & over – we are alive. The explosion & fire occurred right behind, almost touching our building, behind our rooms. The fact that we were alive was a miracle. We are alive I think over & over. It was so close!

I have posted photos below. When I first saw the devastation I was shocked into silence & actually disbelief. The building that exploded is now bending dangerously towards the building we were in. It has to be taken down & dismantled before we can get back into our apartment. And the gas leak has to be repaired & inspected. Electricity & water & utilities have been turned off. The fire chief said demotion & repairs will take an indefinite amount of time. So here we are.
We have a limited amount of resources and a limited amount of time. All we can do is be present to each moment and it seems each moment something changes, breaks, isn’t available, is flooded, explodes, has a tornado and/or something else we can’t even imagine happens – things yet to be, sometimes surprising, sometimes shocking, sometimes completely unbelievable!

And so….Mars is retrograde. Mars can be extreme testing.
It rules Aries & Scorpio & Sagittarius. All three call us to be courageous in the face of difficulties. To be like a warrior in the battle. And to be triumphant. A big task when things continue to happen with such force.
Actually….we are trying to be warriors & courageous.

Thank you to all who wrote, called, offered help &
support & encouragement. We are grateful for so many things
on this Christmas evening. love to everyone, Risa & A.

Note: in the photos, the brown building is our apt.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 7 =

Monday, December 23, 2024- 8am

Monday, December 23, 2024- 8am



Monday,  Decemeber 23, 2024- 8am

Monday, December 23, 2024- 8am

The Light of Within Humanity.
Last night, today, tonite & until midnight Christmas,
all four candles are lit on the Advent wreath.
Last night’s candle was lit, the 4th – signifying the
Light within Humanity. The Light of Man (the thinker).
Of love, of thought of miracles yet to bring forth.
And so….
Today is Monday, December 23, a new week.
Of marvels yet to be.

From where we are overlooking the ocean – a cloud of fog is hiding the waves.
The surf is high & loud & washing over the sands.
A cloud of fog has descended on the village.
We light our lights in the dark & shadows & fog.
For humanity. And we sing….

Last night, Sunday evening, December 22, we lit our
last of the four Advent Candles.
The fourth violet colored candle is the Light within Humanity.
“I am the Light of the World,” the Lord said. And turning to His disciples (the NGWS of today), He said “You are to be the Light of the world, too, for humanity.”
And so we are.
And…a quote – below…

Of things yet to be, of things we create, of choice,
of kindness, care & of loving more.
It’s December 23, 2024.
It’s solstice Christmas Hanukkah week.
Today, Libra moon all day & night.
Moon/ Mercury, Moon/Saturn, Moon/Jupiter, Moon/Chiron.
We speak, we plan, we love, we heal today.
Sagittarius Sun & Mercury today.

The Magi Astrologer Kings preparing for their 12 days journey westward, seeking the manger, the holy child, the holy family under the star Sirius. We will walk with them, beginning the day after Christmas, December 26th.

In the meantime, this year both Christmas & Hanukkah are celebrated on the same day (Dec. 25th) – which means two different developmental stages of humanity, two religions, two Ages are being combined into one – The Age of the Laws (Aries – 10 Commandments) & the Ages of Love (Pisces) – the Jewish religion & the Christian religion coming together, the people celebrating as one. This coming together of the two religions forms the foundation for the new world religion (spirituality) of Aquarius. The Christmas tree & the Hanukkah bush & menorah (candle holder) of 8 candles are all shining with light at the same time this year. It is like a miracle of light shining in the darkness.

And so….about Light & about Love.
Light & Love are the great revealers,
and if the student truly seeks to understand
and profit by the Wisdom Teachings,
let each one love all more deeply —
& let each each of us see that our light
shines forth in a dark place,
for “in that light shall we see Light.”
It is the lesser light within
that reveals the greater light ✨
When the light of the Soul
combines with the light of the personality
then that fused and blended light
will enable the seeker to see the Door
which opens upon the Way
of the Higher Evolution.
The Gate of Capricorn.
The Door to the Temple of Initiation.
~ Rays and the Initiations

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1 + 12 =

Sunday, December 22, 2024- 1pm

Sunday, December 22, 2024- 1pm



Sunday,  Decemeber 22, 2024- 1pm

Sunday, December 22, 2024- 1pm

Our winter period begins.
Pondering at the end of the year, our hopes, wishes & dreams.
What are they for each of us?
Today, December 22, 2024. Our first day of winter.
Capricorn (1, 3, 7) Sun, Libra (3) Moon – Saturn & Venus are their planetary rulers.
Saturn – structure. Venus – beauty.
Balancing (Libra) ourselves as the new season begins.

Climbing the mountain now – the Capricorn mountain.
We begin our climb as goats that become unicorns at the top of the mountain – where we encounter the midnight Sun, the Light Supernal.
This is a time of the year, at its very end where are are quiet & to be at rest – it’s the end of the year.

The dark half of the year has just passed & the new light of the new year appears more & more each morning.
On the top of the mountain we pass through the Gate of Capricorn & there we gather together for rest & contemplation. Over time, as Capricorn unfolds, we will begin to hear the sounds & needs & cries of humanity in the valleys below. We will know our time on the mountaintop with the Light Supernal is temporary.

We will gather the Light & at the end of Capricorn, as the Sun enters Aquarius, we will turn our backs on this Light, walk back down the mountain into the valleys of the Earth where humanity resides & we will then serve humanity in Aquarius & save humanity in Pisces.
But for now, we rest on the mountaintop. The horn of the unicorn, at our Ajna center (Center of direction, the Diamond Light center) absorbs the Light Supernal, the Light of Capricorn. This light will sustain us later, & we will share this light with humanity.

For now, as the winter days unfold, as the sun is resting at the Tropic of Capricorn, we await & prepare for the festivals of Christmas & Hanukkah & the midnight sun of Christmas morning.

We contemplate our hopes wishes & dreams at the end of the year. Before the new year begins.
And we dream of things yet to be.
My hopes wishes & dreams.
To live in a small village, like a cove that is protected.
One side the ocean, the other side a small tiny village.
To have a home of my own in that village. A home with a garden. A home that expands according to my needs. A home that is safe & nurturing. In a village where I can walk at dawn through the streets & feel safe & at home. A place to call my own. I would establish a small astrology school. I would walk through the village and know every shopkeeper there. I would live out my days watching the surfers come & go, the tides high & low, the light, from dark to light, night to day. I would share what I have with others, with family & friends. Living out the rest of my life in a little village that is safe, small, on the very edge of the United States, with the people who also live there. This is my need, my dream, my hope, my wish. In these days before the end of the year, what are your hopes, wishes & dreams? love, Risa

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6 + 2 =

Saturday, December 21, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, December 21, 2024- 12pm



Saturday,  Decemeber 21, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, December 21, 2024- 12pm

WInter Solstice, Saturday, December 21, 2024.
Saturn’s day today, sign of time as we know it.
Today – early this morning Autumn became winter.
It is the longest day of dark of the year, the shortest day of light. In the night sky the Ursid meteors can be seen.
And so…
Sun entered Capricorn, it’s Winter Solstice today.
In the southern hemisphere it’s summer solstice!
Today, winter solstice, is the longest night of the year. And in this long dark night,
the new light appears, the solstice light of the new upcoming year. The light of spirit appearing in the darkness.
There is a quiet & pause a state of contemplation on the light in the darkness. a paradox actually. In the deepest darkness, there is Light.
We rest today and for three days, ’til midnight Christmas morning. Then the Sun begins its northward movement. And the Light half of the year really begins. The Sun now moving towards its destiny – that of summer solstice.
Today, the Hierarchy & disciples begin preparations for Wesak.

Solstice – “sun pausing, stopping to rest” in the heavens.
At the time of the Winter Solstice, for a three day period, the sun appears at its lowest point at noon, and appears to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn in its most southern declension – in its annual journey across the sky.

Dec 21, 2024.
A most spiritually potent time of the year.
Shortest day, longest night of darkness.
Appearing in the darkness, a point of light.
And from that point of light, more light emerges
From now on (beginning in 3 days, midnight, Christmas morning) we will begin to experience more & more light on Earth in the mornings.
The sun begins to “rise” in the sky, nights shorten and days begin to lengthen.
On the 3rd day of Solstice, we have Christmas.
Across the Northern Hemisphere celebrating that moment when the sun once again begins its yearly ascent in the sky, on the third day after the Solstice, which falls on December 25, Christmas Day.

It’s Saturn’s day today.
Saturn works with ease as Capricorn’s ruler. It is Saturn’s home and Saturn crafts new plans and agenda, new work for the new year & the creation of the new civilization (Capricorn).
Saturn is time. Saturn is strict, too. We should be careful we don’t become too strict too. Saturn’s communication can be harsh at times.

Magical time, from Winter Solstice to January 6th.
As Winter Solstice begins, Angel Gabriel takes over his task of guarding guiding & protecting the people of the Earth & of the Earth itself.
Angel Gabriel is the great messenger. He informed Mary it was time for her to bring forth the holy child, Jesus, who would be overshadowed by the Christ & anchor love into the Earth.

It is good during these quiet days to retreat a bit into nature, into spiritual practices. To contemplate, pray, recite mantras, to listen to sacred tones, song, sounds, watching for the golden light of the season, the star of Bethlehem. And prepare to offer the holy child a gift, joining with the Three Kings & their gifts on January 6th – Epiphany. We offer ourselves in service to the world. We are the gift to the Lord of the World.

In countries around the world, social rituals evolved at the time of the Solstice which were designed to encourage the sun’s imminent, much hoped-for, ascent, to celebrate the coming “resurrection” of the light, and to affirm abundance and good fortune for the upcoming season by sharing autumnal stores of grain and liquors and by eating newly slaughtered herd animals that for various reasons, could not be supported throughout the long winter months still unfolding.
We have long winter months ahead.
For now, we send our greetings to everyone on the darkened yet light filled Winter Solstice. with love to everyone, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

8 + 5 =

Friday, December 20, 2024- 9am

Friday, December 20, 2024- 9am



Friday,  Decemeber 20, 2024- 9am

Friday, December 20, 2024- 9am

Temple Teachings. Temple Doors Open.
On our Way to Bethlehem each day.
Our spiritual journey to Bethlehem, House of Bread.
This morning –
Pink & orange colors (devas) at dawn.
Drones across the heavens. Low tide this morning.
Friday, Dec. 20, 2024. Solstice occurs just after
midnight tonight Pacific time.
Last day of Sagittarius Sun. Capricorn Sun begins
at the solstice 1:21am (PT). Virgo moon today.
On our Way to Bethlehem.

Temple doors swing open
For Initiates preparing for Winter Solstice.
A planetary song can be heard, a mantra attuned
To the Earth – I am the Way, the Truth & the Life.
I am the Light of the world.
(to disciples, to our country – :You are to be Lights for the world, too. Follow Me.”)
This is a chant, lifted up to the stars by the angels.
And humans also recite these words, understanding the purpose
Of the season.
This is a Temple teaching.
From the heart of the Master our divine Life pattern
Bends low to Earth & beckons us upon the path of illumination
As the entire earth is filled with the words –
Well done, thou good faithful servant.
Enter into the joy of the Lord.
And the joy of the season.
Mystery of the Christos. Corinne Helene.

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