Wednesday, January 1, 2025, 11am

Wednesday, January 1, 2025, 11am



Wednesday,  January 1, 2025- 11am

Wednesday, January 1, 2025- 11am

A New Year beings – with all things yet to be.
We begin a new year under the Light of Libra.
Harmony & balance do we create today.
Taking the very delicate care that all things are harmonized & balanced.
The first day of the new year is always under the guidance & protection of the Holy Family – Rays 1, 2, 3.
The Will to Good, Love, Wisdom & Intelligence.




And so…
Going Forth into the new year w/ intentions of Love & Service.
Beginning the new year with Love.
Setting the template for the year 2025, the year of the Precipitation (its beginning) of the World Teacher, the Christ.

We begin the new year with thoughts, intentions, words of Love.
For Love underlies all things, events, people, the entire world, seen & unseen, heaven & earth.

And should we encounter troubles & difficulties that discourage us….we remember these words…

“One thought only will I give you to repeat when ever we/you are discouraged, tired, and weak, we remember & rest in these words:
“At the centre of all Love I stand, and naught can touch me here, and from that centre I shall go forth to and serve.”

Be bow to the wisdom of the east, strength of west, will of the north, love & inteligence of the south – to Sirius (2), below, the Big Dipper (1) above, & to the Pleiades (3) – to the Lord of I Am at the center. May we be raised to the Kings of Beauty.
We have the stars within.


Aquarius Moon – Capricorn Sun.
Mars/Pluto (Leo/Aquarius) it’s energy building –
Be cautious today, tomorrow, the day after.
We have a Mars/Pluto building towards tomorrow night.
It’s a time of danger & drama. Careful everyone.
Choose safety.
Transits tell us what behavior is needed.
A Mars/Pluto can have the vibrations & possibilities of danger.
We are not necessarily totally aware w/ the Mars retrograde.
There is a need to be very very careful & mindful.
A time for non Scorpios to act like Scorpios – to act like a Scorpio, a warrior at all times.


A man…in service learns the power of love in its occult significance. He spends and consequently receives; he lives the life on renunciation and the wealth of the heavens pours in on him; he asks nothing for himself and is the richest man on the Earth.”- Ponder on This, page 245

Accounts squared up. Wrong angles adjusted to right angles.
Reckoning the past year, balancing all things in a circle of love.
Accounts squared up, wrong angles adjusted.
The Angels appear.
Happy New Year 2025 everyone –
2025 is a #9 – time of Initiation – love to everyone, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

1 + 15 =

Tuesday, December 31, 2024- 11am

Tuesday, December 31, 2024- 11am



Tuesday,  Decemeber 31, 2024- 11am

Tuesday, December 31, 2024- 11am

A triangle in the sky on our last day of 2024.
Triangles – symbol for delta – it means change.
In times of change. Last day of the year.
Before a new year begins!
In the heavens – one bright sparkling star in the sky above.
Sirius – the Blue Lodge.
And a triangle forming – Sirius, Jupiter, Mars.

Today is under the Light of Virgo (Rays 2 & 6).
The mother the father & the child – another triangle.
The six pointed star – under the Light of Virgo.
All the virtues of Virgo – a six pointed star – personality lifted up to the Soul – becoming a Soul infused personality.
The vision of a new healing community for humanity.
Using all of our gifts in our group.
We know O Lords of Love & Life about the needs of humanity.
Touch our hearts with love, understanding & offer us resources.
So we may love & give & love & give & love & give again.

End of the year, seeking home.
We are traveling from place to place looking for home.
An old reality (2024) being left behind, a new reality yet ahead.
Journeying from east to west, to the ocean.
A tornado, a flood, a fire, then illness.
Continuing our journey. We will being our travels home
tomorrow, January 1, 2025.
2025 = 9 = ending = Initiation.
Everything a symbol.

The Adept
Gates open wide. boat launched, star guides the boat.
Fishing for men/seekers.
The Adept is like a boat in a river.
The Adept moves per the currents of time.
Like a river joining a ocean, forming deltas.
The life of an Adept joins the Great Life, becomes a planetary worker influencing man live in all parts of the glob.
All is unlimited. The distant stars guide.
The Great Bear, Sirius, Pleiades guide the Adept.
The stars are Hierarchy, reflected on earth, guide humanity.
Hunter to king to saint to Hierarchy.
One work, fishing souls sailing in life fishing for souls
restoring them. The Adept is the fisher of men.
Star guides boat. Fishermen sail fishing for man.

This has been our journey, we went to the ocean.
Each step of the way difficult, preparations for Initiation.
We had to be creative, adaptive. It magnetizes and radiates
out to the world, helping others searching for the path/Path
find their Way.

Today is December 31, 2024.
Capricorn Sun & Moon.
Tomorrow is Aquarius moon, perfect for the
first day of the new year. Aquarius, the new era,
the sign & time of freedom for humanity.
In the sky during the night.

Sirius Jupiter Mars
Sirius is the brightest star in Earth’s night sky. The name Sirius means sparkling or scorching in both Latin and Greek.

The planets Jupiter can at time seem as bright – or brighter than – glittering Sirius! As 2024 ends and 2025 begins, Earth, having passed between Jupiter and the Sun (on December 7), brought Jupiter planet closest to Earth for this year. Jupiter is always bright, but it’s especially bright right now. Jupiter shines more brightly than Sirius at this time.

Meanwhile, Earth will pass between Mars and the Sun on January 15-16. So Mars is bright now, too, and very red in color. Bright red planet Mars is roughly the same brightness as Sirius.

Locating Sirius
Look for three prominent stars in a row. These are the three stars of Orion, also called the Three Magi Astrologer Kings. They have the same size and brightness. These stars form the Belt of the constellation Orion the Hunter. Orion’s three stars always point down & to the left to Sirius.
Note also, Betelgeuse & Rigel, the two stars above & below Orion.
As we stand on earth & locate the stars & planets in the sky, we are invited to introduce ourselves to them. Then are great Lords, doing their work in the heavens for humanity. When we make their acquaintance they always respond.

A happy last day of the year to everyone.
Gathering the days of 2024 into a bundle of gratitude.
And offer all that was good in 2024 to 2025.

2024 was called the Time of the ForeRunner.
2025 is called the Time of the Precipitation.

We gather the time of Mithras, the time of Aries, the time of Pisces & see all that has been good. And offer it to the future.
We are the Adepts.
As a new world begins…love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 10 =

Monday, December 30, 2024- 1pm

Monday, December 30, 2024- 1pm



Monday,  Decemeber 30, 2024- 1pm

Monday, December 30, 2024- 1pm

Under the light of Capricorn.
Lost are we in the Light Supernal & on this Light we will turn our backs.
Today is also December 30, 2024. The 2nd to last day of 2024
Today is also the 5th day with the Magi Astrologer Kings, walking under the Light of Leo.
Today we have our new moon meditation.


A Reading at this New Moon Time.
Before initiation, disciples go thru immense challenges.
And God in His Mercy sends the Comforter, the Holy Spirit (Ray 3), to help with the challenges.
In the Tibetan’s work there is something called the Dark Night of the Soul – Ray 1 (God) into Ray 3 (Holy Spirit – the Comforter).
As an Initiation is being experienced there is the struggle prior to the Initiation – and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are offered to the Disciple. Initiation is a state of expansion which prior to can be of great difficulty.

Today is the new moon of Capricorn. It is the touch of the hand of the Master/Teacher that strengthens the disciple. In the dark night of the Soul, the soul stands alone w/out help & one must remember one is never alone, even when one feels alone. One must remember the Knowledge of the Plan.
One is then given more responsibility in the Work. And joy comes to the one who knows they have served & helped others in humanity. What has been sown is beginning to bloom, even if we don’t register the fact. We respond to the vibration of the Teacher.
The Hierarchy withholds nothing. Disciples are steady centers of light in every land & the strength of the Soul & the knowledge of the Ashram helps us complete the work we have begun. Disciples are steady centers of Light. Then we pass into the clear light of the Ashram.

It’s the 2nd new moon of the month – called a Black (invisible) moon. The new moon degree is 10 degrees Capricorn.
The keynote of Capricorn – the ideals that all of humanity is given so they can understand the keynotes of the new era.
“Lost are we in Light Supernal, & one this Light we will turn our backs.”

We stand on the mountaintop of Capricorn in the Light of the Sun. For a time we are resting, after our journey from Aries to Capricorn. Eventually we begin to hear the sounds of humanity’s suffering in the valleys of the Earth. And we know we will, at the end of Capricorn, turn our backs on the Light Supernal. We will carry the Light we have gathered in our Ajna Center & share that Light with humanity – serving in Aquarius with the Light. And saving humanity in Pisces with the Light.

During the new moon time, we support & uphold the work & endeavors of the New Group of World Servers. We recite the Great Invocation together. Let Light & Love & Power restore the Plan on Earth. Ohm. Ohm. Ohm.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

7 + 6 =

Sunday, December 29, 2024- 10am

Sunday, December 29, 2024- 10am



Sunday,  Decemeber 29, 2024- 10am

Sunday, December 29, 2024- 10am

Today is Sunday, December 29, 2025.
Chiron is stationary direct today. At 19 degrees Aries.
Today is the 4th day of our journey with the Magi Astrologer Kings.
It is Cancer’s day today –
We walk with the Magi Astrologer Kings, studying with them along the Way. Today we study the sign of Cancer.
Cancer is the nurturer, & nourisher. Ray 3 of Divine Intelligence, Right Thinking & Right Actions.
The Soul in Cancer (the seed thought in Cancer) says to the personality –
“I, the Soul, will build a lighted house within you & I (light, comforter, healer, teacher) will dwell therein (with you, the personality). We will then be the Light of & for the World for humanity. Just as the Christ asked us to be.”


See post on my FB page from Teresa – helping us along on our journey –
For those who are helping me & A along the road, where we have encountered a tornado, flooding (evacuated), fire & explosion (evacuated again) & now illness (we can’t drive home), we thank you for your prayers, your thoughts, your blessings & all that you are offering to help us. with love, Risa 💚💐

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 2 =

Saturday, December 28, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, December 28, 2024- 12pm



Saturday,  Decemeber 28, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, December 28, 2024- 12pm

December 28, 2024 – Saturday.
With the Magi Astrologer Kings – on our Way.
Saturn’s day today – our 3rd day of the 12 Days of Christmas.
Walking with the Three Magi Astrologer Kings.
They teach us & we study the concepts of astrology along the way. Following the star Sirius (Ray 2).

The Magi symbolize the three levels of the Soul.
We as students to the Magi are the three levels of the personality.

What are the Three Levels of the Personality (a triangle)?
(see below Constitution of Man, the rungs of the ladder, moving from from below upward)
1. physical body (3 sublevels of dense physical & 4 sublevels of vital etheric)
2. emotional/astral plane (7 sublevels of astral plane)
3. lower mind. (4 sublevels of the mental plane).
(The first 3 planes on the Constitution of Man graph).

In becomes disciples, the physical body is uplifted & called by the three levels of the Soul –

What are the Three Levels of the Soul (a triangle)?
1. Will & Purpose.
2. Love & Wisdom.
3. Divine Intelligence.

The two triangles form a six pointed star – the Solomon’s Temple.
When the personality is lifted up to the Soul, a new light shines in our head center – this is the light that shines out from our Ajna center, a diamond light that makes each of us like the Christ – the Light of the World.
This teaching (soul/personality) is most important to comprehend, to understand in order to become balanced, poised, of service & useful in our world & to work with Hierarchy. It gives us Purpose, which is distributed wisely & with love & then the light & intelligence of all that is around us is ignited.
The Light of the Soul is our teacher, our comforter, our healer & our healing.
So in our journey with the Three Magi Astrologer Kinds.
We are the personality & they are the Soul.
Walking together to the new light for the new year for the new era. Now we understand.

Walking with the three Magi Astrologer Kings.
Each day signifying one of the astrological signs –
Thursday was Aries (Rays 1 & 7) – the initiating impulse to be.

Friday was Taurus (Ray 4), gathering the new ideas of Aries & anchoring them into the world.

Saturday, today, is Gemini – gathering the ideas of Aries that Taurus stabilized, reading them over & then in Gemini fashion, like a butterfly in the field of flowers, distributing those ideas into the world, sharing them. Gemini (Ray 2) – showing humanity that the world here on earth is one of duality – thus the two brothers.
One brother is shiny & bright, the other brother, whose light is waning. It is the light of the personality that is waning, the light of the Soul that is brightening – this occurs when the Soul begins its descent into our personality.
Again, understanding these teachings, we gradually become disciples, we move from the periphery of realit into the heart of reality, from the periphery of the Ashram into the heart of the Ashram.

Things are not necessarily peaceful there at the heart.
As in our journey – we encounter great tests & difficulties. The purpose of this is the Labours of Hercules – each test overcome helps humanity to overcome their tests too. Disciples meet the tests first, so that humanity can look to the disciples for courage, understanding, empathy & strength.

Disciples have courage, strength, understanding & compassion.
It is cultivated day by day along with intentions for Goodwill.
When the Christ returns (& it is soon) He will teach the reality of Goodwill & Right Human Relations. These are the alchemical quality that brings active peace into our world.

Today Saturday, Saturn’s day – we encounter the rings of Saturn, the rings pass not….the discipline & structures Saturn offers us.
Today Saturday – Capricorn Sun , Sagittarius moon – is there a new moon soon? Yes, Monday – Capricorn new moon 10 degrees Capricorn.

Today Venus square Uranus – Rays 5 & 7. The physical body can experience spasms. Things with our values & resources can experience a sudden shift or change. Uranus brings all things new with a sudden jolt. Squares ask us to move in a new direction, a new 90 degrees direction – we’ve come to the end of the road, we must turn now & find a new pathway.

Today – Moon Jupiter (expansion), Moon Saturn (discipline & structure) & Moon Venus (beauty, intelligence, cooperation & unity).
Tomorrow Chiron (the wound that heals) is direct at 19 Aries – Where is that in everyone’s chart?
Monday is the new moon festival of Capricorn.
Tuesday is new year’s eve – Capricorn moon.
The last day of our past ways.
Wednesday, is the new year of 2025 – under Aquarius moon.
The new year begins. Of things marvelous & spectacular with opportunities yet to be! love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

4 + 6 =

Friday, December 27, 2024- 9am

Friday, December 27, 2024- 9am



Friday,  Decemeber 27, 2024- 9am

Friday, December 27, 2024- 9am

Our 2nd day with the Magi Astrologer Kings.
On our journey towards Epiphany, January 6th.
Carrying gifts (of self, our talents, abilities we have cultivated under Leo, with the heart of Leo.
Searching for the new light of the world, the holy child & the Holy Family. Under the, guided by the star Sirius. Walking together today & everyday. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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