Thursday, February 20, 2025- 7am

Thursday, February 20, 2025- 7am



Thursday,  February 20, 2025- 7am

Thursday, February 20, 2025- 7am

More from Risa
– the conversation continues here today.
Today, Thursday, February 20, 2025. Jupiter’s day of Love/Wisdom – written in love, seeking wisdom.
And so….context.
1. This is the year of the beginning precipitation of the Reappearance of the World Teacher – 2025.
2/ The Year of the 100 year Conclave of Masters & Teachers meeting.
Asking, is humanity ready?
3. Also, It is the year of transformative CHANGE, as the outer planets shift from earth & water to air & fire.
(Example, Pluto into Aquarius – & everything accelerates in the air of Aquarius).
So changes are occurring rapidly & new forms must be created to meet the needs of individuals, groups & of humanity itself.

And so, in the Mars retrograde (soon Venus & Mercury will retrograde too!).
…And as the outer planets, like Pluto did, will shift into new signs (air/fire)….here on FB (website) I am asking questions of myself & of readers.
What is needed?
How, what is next?

I don’t think the need here is for me to continue to just post post post – one voice in the wilderness.

Teachers seek responses for multiple reasons.
With little to no feedback the Teacher sits alone by themselves & doesn’t know what is happening out there in the world of readership.
And thus, the questions I am posing/posting here.

What is my need? What are your needs?

Can those needs be met here on FB (website) in terms of study?

I will begin with my answers.
My need is to continue writing & to have a deeper dialogue w/ readers – an interaction & a continuing conversation.
I don’t know if it can happen here on FB (or our website).

If I go to X – words are limited.
I write a lot each day.
So what is it that I need?
What do you need?

That is always the first question. What is/are the need(s)?
And then what is possible here on FB (& our website)?
Shall we move elsewhere? If so where? And so….

Asking what is the need? Your need. My need?

What are the possibilities here on FB (& NLN)?
Asking – can a conversation, interaction, dialogue be created here on FB (& NLN)?Asking – Can it be done here or not?

A dialogue, conversation, interaction.

And so…
What am I attempting to convey, to create?
I am attempting to create a dialogue, an interaction.
A conversation. More than my voice alone.
And if it can be created here on FB (or the website)?
Or not.
And so…I wanted to be clear with readers.
What I am seeking is a dialogue with readers.

A conversation that is back & forth. An interaction. T
his is what I am seeking & attempting to create. A conversation.
A deeper interaction.
I would like more interaction.
I am wondering if it can be created here, or not. If so, how? If not, what then is to be created?

Now it’s your turn.
Please don’t just write thank you. Please write what your thoughts, feelings & what you consider to be your needs here. How would you like to continue?

Written w/ curiosity & love, seeking wisdom. Risa

With love, seeking wisdom – Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

1 + 7 =

Wednesday, February 19, 2025- 11am

Wednesday, February 19, 2025- 11am



Wednesday,  February 19, 2025- 11am

Wednesday, February 19, 2025- 11am

Asking questions of readers.
Dear readers.
First, thank you to those who answer my questions each day.
And so…
Today is Mercury’s day – communication day.
I have questions of everyone today.
Many days in my postings I ask questions of readers.
Asking readers to respond & interact with the information
posted which are the Teachings.
Many do not answer the questions.
Why is that?
I ask questions on purpose. It is a way of interaction.
A way of teaching. Creating integration between all of us.
I ask questions so people can respond & the result is that
we can create a dialogue here together.
I ask questions to further our study together.
I ask so we can learn together.
And so that I am not the only voice here.

This is our school, college, ashram, temple of learning.
I look forward to people’s answers when I ask questions.

When people don’t answer the question then I think the post was not read. Or that people are not interested. Over time, this creates a wonder in me. Why am I posting here?

I asked two questions yesterday –
1. share your sun sign’s personality & Soul rulers.
2. who needs an astrology chart?
Only a few answered –
Why is that?

A teacher hopes for interaction & response & curiosity.
I am curious. Why do readers not respond?
Perhaps I need to create something new so people will respond.
Interested in people’s responses.

Note: I appreciate those who have answered the questions I post. We learn from one another together.

love, Risa (on this Mercury’s – communication day,

Wednesday, Ray 4 day, Harmony day, February 18, 2025).

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

3 + 12 =

Tuesday, February 18, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, February 18, 2025- 8am



Tuesday,  February 18, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, February 18, 2025- 8am

Knowledge Has Healing Power.
Studying one’s Astrology chart is the way we learn about ourselves. It builds the lower mind to meet one’s Soul.
And so….
A new study today.
Today – Sun entered Pisces (2/6) –
The Sun entered Pisces early this morning –
– bidding Aquarius Sun goodbye for the year.


Aquarius is the sign of Serving Humanity.
Becoming the Waters of Life for Thirsty Humanity.

Pisces is the sign of Saving & the Light of the World.
“Leaving the Father’s House & turning back (to Earth) we Save.”

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac (before Aries & Spring begins).
Pisces is a gathering place actually for all the signs.
Pisces gathers the 11 previous signs & as Aries Sun begins, Pisces offers the entire zodiac for the past year to Aries to work with.
Pisces, though often hidden & misunderstood by Neptune’s veils, in fogs & clouds & deep waters, Pisces has an inner power (Pluto) that few know about until one day when Pisces stands up & begins to lead the way.

Rulers/Planets the Signs Stream Through
Every signs precipitates down through a planet before reaching the Earth.
Every sign (not only distributes one or more of the Rays (stars in the Big Dipper, but) has a personality ruler (the planet it streams through before entering earth). And a Soul ruler (planet it streams through).
After the personality is built with courage, knowledge & strength, the sign then is able to stream through the Soul ruler/planet –

For Pisces –
1. the personality building ruler is Neptune (Ray 6).
2. the Soul ruler is Pluto (Ray 1).
We read about Ray 1 & leadership yesterday. The Ray of the Leader.
Note the differences between Neptune & Pluto.
And the Rays too.

The Soul ruler doesn’t show itself until one day.
The Soul ruler appears when the personality vehicle (physical body, emotions, lower mind) is aligned, strong, filled with life experiences & can see choice & make choices.

Everyone needs to have their Astrology Chart.
If you have your astrology chart, let’s find your rulers.
And so….
Below is a chart.
Find the personality ruler (of your Sun).
Find the Soul ruler (of your Sun).
What are they?
My Sun is in ………….(sign).
My Sun’s personality (planetary) ruler is…………?
My Sun’s Soul ruler is…………?

Today is Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Mars guards & guides our day today. Mars is Ray 6.
Mars is retrograde, 17 Cancer – stationing direct on the 24th.


Today –
Sun in Pisces (2/6), Scorpio (4) moon today – two waters today.
The even Rays are Love Rays.
The odd Rays are Knowledge Rays.

Knowledge has a healing power. When we help someone to have a deeper understanding of life, we help them to have a better life and livingness. Knowledge leads to love & a healing happens.

We are all learning to be Teachers. We all have Pisces in our charts. love, Risa

Notes from Risa –
1. If you need an astrology chart – either message me here on FB. Or write me at

2. Download the chart in attachment & place in your astrological & esoteric journals.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

14 + 15 =

Monday, February 17, 2025- 11am

Monday, February 17, 2025- 11am



Monday,  February 17, 2025- 2pm

Monday, February 17, 2025- 2pm

Qualities of a true Leader (esoteric).
Presidents day.
Leadership – a state of Initiation. A Testing Ground.
A study in leadership from an esoteric perspective.
Today is Monday, a new week.
Our last day of Aquarius – Libra moon, then Scorpio moon.
Ray 3 to Ray 4 under Rays 5 & 7.
Emerald green, rosy yellow, golden orange & amethyst.
Today – February 17 (Q), 2025.

Leaders – a State of Initiation.
What are the characteristics of a true (chosen) leader?
Leaders are chosen. They are leaders, learning how to lead.
Leaders bring their skills & hone those skills in leadership positions.
Leaders are tested & they are in states of Initiation.
They change the world.
Leadership is a testing ground – will they fall into glamour or will they lead those they are leading into & towards the Light?

When a leader is a brilliant worker in multiple fields of human endeavor, when they have soul knowledge & intuitional development, then humanity has a leader of men, a teacher from the gods & a spiritual power.
True leaders are Ray 1 people – they exhibit strength, courage, trutfulness, fearlessness, the power to rule, courage, the capacity to grasp great problems & questions in a large minded way.
They have strong will power & often their position in the world is one of sacrifice for the country & the people. World leaders are sacrificing for the world. They defend the weak, put down oppression, are fearless of consequences & indifferent to public comment.
They have strong feelings & they have strong contrasts of character & behavior. They delight in great orchestral effects, & they draw health & strength from the great fount of universal life by their will power, & then pour it into the people’s needs. They have sheer force of will. A true leader combines power with love, wisdom, patience & understanding.
And so, now we too understand. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

12 + 2 =

February 16, 2025- 9am

February 16, 2025- 9am



Saturday,  February 15, 2025- 12pm

Sunday, February 16, 2025- 9am

Contemplation –
Two Psalms today to contemplate. Art too of Lilias Trotter.
“Many are the wonders today…” Psalm (see below)
Resting today – as a new week begins.
Contemplation & rest, nourishment & perhaps some play & a gathering together today.
What will each of us do today?

Today & tomorrow, Sunday & Monday.
We are in our last two days of Aquarius Sun.
Pisces Sun begins after midnight, Tuesday morning.

Today…Sunday, February 18, 2025.
How Harmony & Peace are Created.
An Esoteric Equation – A quiz question for later on.
And so…
Today – Sunday – Aquarius (5/7) Sun & Pluto (1).
Libra (3) moon.
How are harmony & peace brought forth by each of us?
An esoteric equation.
It is the ONLY way to peace (an ongoing active process).
1. Goodwill intentions… intentions for Goodwill in all thoughts & actions…create
2. Right Relations with all the kingdoms, which creates the
3. Peace, Love & Beauty that humanity seeks.
The NGWS (disciples, men & women of Goodwill) is to understand this equation, acting it out & thus bringing it forth into the world, in all situations & interactions.

Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra & Mars (retrograde, slowing down) in Cancer.
Mars (6) moving very very slowly in its retrograde now (in Cancer) preparing for its movement forward on the 24th.
Remaining at 17 degrees Cancer.
Again, where is 17 Cancer (3/7) in everyone’s chart?
This is where Mars (6) is stationing.
Moon In Libra (3) makes contact today w/ Mars (6), Saturn (3)
& Chiron today.

Tomorrow, President’s day (
Washington & Lincoln & the Roosevelts & all the presidents
of the United States).
Tomorrow, the characteristics of a true (chosen) leader, a Disciple of the people.
Tuesday, Sun enters Pisces.

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders You have done.
The things You have planned for us no one can recount to You;
were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.—Psalm 40:5

“We can “fire upwards” in this [spiritual] battle, even if we are shut out from fighting it face-to-face.… We can as truly, as effectually, as prevailingly, do our share within the four walls of our rooms. ‘To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in You I trust, O my God.’ (Psalm 25:1 – 2).”

Art of Lilias Trotter – b. July 14, 1853 (London) – d. August 27, 1928 (Algeria).

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

7 + 5 =

Saturday, February 15, 2025- 12pm

Saturday, February 15, 2025- 12pm



Saturday,  February 15, 2025- 12pm

Saturday, February 15, 2025- 1pm

Offering our personality vehicle to the Soul (the serpent of Wisdom).

During Mars retrograde –
Today is Saturday, Saturn’s day.
Saturn is the Teacher, the Teachings, the discipline, the the structure needed day to day & the Rule of Law.
It is said in the Wisdom Teachings, the entire economic field will need to be overhauled before the Christ can reappear.
What do we see in our country at this time?

Saturn on Saturday.
Ray 3 day – Intelligence, Right Knowing & Right Action.
Ray 3 flows through Cancer & Libra (signs) & Saturn (planet).
The moon is in Libra today, too! (more Ray 3)!

Today is February 15, 2025 – our last week of Aquarius.
The mopn today visits with Mercury (4), trines Pluto (1) & opposes Venus (5).
But let’s look at Mars (6) – it’s retrograde beginning in Gemini then back to Cancer (now)-
Mars is preparing to be stationary direct on the 24th – so it’s sitting still mostly in the heavens today at 17 (Q) Cancer.
Where is that in everyone’s chart?

Mars is is activity. Gemini is our thinking, talking.
Cancer is being nourished & nurtured.
With Mars retrograde for so long in Gemini, then Cancer, we may find that we are tired of talking, tired of words spoke, tired of hearing words words words, tired of listening to even more words.
Now we need nurturance & nourishment (Cancer).

Mars retrograde instead calls us to retreat inward, to stop our outer actions, to enter into a state of quiet for a while.
Mars is Ray 6 – in our quietude we are able to focus on our own visions, our own thoughts & ideas, our hopes wishes & dreams. Our visions for ourselves & the future.
Mars then can carry our personality (physical body, vital etheric body, emotional/astral body, lower mental brain mind body) up to “heaven.” Up to the serpent of wisdom (the Soul).
Our opportunity during the Mars retrograde. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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