Friday, March 28, 2025- 9am
Friday, March 28, 2025- 9am
Today I am writing about astrology.
What is Astrology? What does it do? Why study it?
It’s function, purpose & promise.
And so….
It’s Ray 5 day today, Friday.
Which means it’s Venus’s day.
Venus receives & gathers Ray 5 from a star in the Big Dipper.
Ray 5 is science, knowledge & truth.
The Ray 5 scientist does not work with the Ray 6 of mysticism or belief. Ray 6 is not their work. With Ray 5 we observe, study, research, come to pure knowledge & then to Truth.
The language & tool of the Aquarian Age is Astrology.
Aquarius is also Ray 5 – the scientific mind.
At the heart of Aquarius is Jupiter, Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom.
The study of astrology begins with gathering information via symbols in one’s chart & then over time, Love & Wisdom begin to take hold. And the Soul appears!
Research, study, identification, self-identity, finding our path, truth, compansionship, etc.
Gazing at the heavens & seeing those heavens in our astrology chart. Learning to unlock the symbols. Finding ourselves.
This is what happens & what we do in astrology.
Discovery of truth is what the study of astrology is.
Aquarius/Pisces Moons
Today I am writing about astrology.
Under the light of Aries (new study, all things new, new spiritual year). And under the morning Aquarius moon. And later, Pisces moon after a 6 minute void of course (from 1:30pm to 1:36pm PT).
New Moon Solar Eclipse
Tomorrow morning, at 3:56am (PT), we have a new moon festival & solar eclipse, 9 degrees Aries. It’s important to have one’s astrology chart in hand to know where something essential has fallen away, is falling away, or will fall away. It’s purpose completed, & thus a new door/opportunity essence of something appearing. 9 degrees Aries.
Mercury in its retrograde will re-enter Pisces tomorrow too.
And so, to Astrology.
Astrology, its study & applications, tells us of the inner workings of life. It is a timing mechanism, it finds solutions to many problems, it provides timings of beginnings & endings, it can be applied medically & psychological. Astrology is the new psychology, and it tells us of coming trends, past present future & generationally.
When we study astrology and apply it to our lives & the lives of those around us, to family, friends, leaders, countries, world events, we go beyond opinions, judgments, unknowings & we begin to experience epiphanies of understanding.
Astrology is not psychic, it’s not a parlor game. It’s real & deadly serious (to use a Scorpio phrase).
The true study of astrology holds the KEYS to all levels of understanding, including all the other disciplines – communication, geometry, math, philosophy, psychology, religion, history, geography over time. Learning how to really communicate the meanings of symbols, & what the sparkly stars & planets mean along with their purpose, as it is applied to each of us. To everyone. Communicating the right information in the right way in right timing.
What we come to when we study & apply astrology – what we come eventuall to is an alchemical experience – we begin to experience the “essence of love” itself.
Which is what the heavens are – essences of love.
The Lords of each planet & star – their work involves loving humanity, thus directing & guiding humanity via their energies & movements. This is done with love.
When we apply the study of astrology & later the esoteric aspects (Rays, further rulers, etc.) of astrology & the Rays, we begin to attend night school, meeting “nocturnally” with others when asleep (from 10pm to 5am). The school of Mysteries opens for us.
The ways of life are mysterious to most, but less & less mysterious when we study the art & science of astrology – the study that offers humanity direction & guidance.
Astrology is the study of each day – a day in our Mystery School called Earth under the heavens.
As we develop through observing our life experiences, as we take up the study of astrology as a direction & as a way to self-identity we begin to know we are strong, mighty, talented, filled with gifts & abilities – we become soldiers of God, realizing we each have an assignment, tasks to complete in our lifetime (& every other lifetime too).
The art & science of astrology helps us navigate thru our tasks & our assignments, thru the vicissitudes of life, thru its ups & downs. Astrology (study & application) is a north star for each of us.
Astrology helps us become Thinkers. Overtime, it helps us contribute to the world, offering our talents & gifts.
The study of astrology actually points out our gifts, helping us cultivate them for later use when called upon.
Astrology actually encourages us, leading us from a state of ignorance (unsureness, unconsciousness, unawareness, blindness) to the Temple of Information, to the Temple of Knowledge to the Temple of Wisdom.
Astrology helps us find our place in the world, it builds the lower mind to reach up to the higher mind, & eventually it reaches the place where we can gaze at our Soul. And see that our Soul is gazing back at us. And then we have a companion forever & ever. And Love happens.
The study of astrology provides us with dignity, self-identity, a talent that is latent in everyone, and a way of bringing heaven down to earth. And, thru our focus, our making ourselves known to the heavens, we lift Earth to the Heavens. And all becomes One.
We become a community of astrologers when we study & work together. Then we turn to humanity & provide humanity with the New Education for the New Age. I see & sense a new classroom opening. And I call forth the devas to build a community & village with schools for the young ones & the elders & for all those of us in between to learn together, now & for years & years to come. The new Village of Humanity Holding the Keys To & Under the Stars. love, Risa