Thursday, January 16, 2025- 3pm

Thursday, January 16, 2025- 3pm



Thursday,  January 16, 2025- 3pm

Thursday, January 16, 2025- 3pm

Just After Sunset Each Evening – 4-Planet Parade
Throughout January, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars can be seen in the night sky.

Just after sunset, looking south we can see Venus and Saturn low in the sky. Jupiter shining brightly above and Mars glowing red in the eastern sky. They’re all visible tduring clear conditions. A telescope reveals two other planets, Uranus and Neptune.

The planets align along the ecliptic, the solar system’s orbital plane, they seem close together.

Every evening in January, Venus and Saturn will appear closer together, appearing the closest on Jan. 17-18 before gradually moving apart. This is a rare event in the heavens for Earth people to observe planetary movements (the transits in the sky, the movement across the sky, the coming together, the separating of the planetary Lords in the heavens). Risa

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10 + 15 =

Wednesday, January 15, 2025- 6pm

Wednesday, January 15, 2025- 6pm



Wednesday,  January 15, 2025- 6pm

Wednesday, January 15, 2025- 6pm

Mars oh so bright & red all night long!
Mars opposite the Sun. Mars is retrograde.
Mars is closest to Earth in over two years! Tonight, the Red Planet will be opposite the Sun & with the two Gemini brothers.
☀️ During opposition, Mars appears especially bright and fully illuminated, making it an ideal time for observation and photography. The planet is not only brighter but also rises in the east as the Sun sets in the west, remaining visible all night long.
✨ As the evening twilight sky fades to darkness, look east. We will see Mars shining brightly in its signature red hue. It will almost align with Castor and Pollux, the two bright stars of Gemini.
🔭 Mars will be clearly visible with the naked eye. However a telescope or a pair of binoculars can enhance the view, allowing us to see surface details such as the polar caps through the telescope.
Mars is Ray 6 – hope, vision, wishes, dreams, aspirations.
What are each of ours? love, Risa

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1 + 9 =

Wednesday, January 15, 2025- 2pm

Wednesday, January 15, 2025- 2pm



Wednesday,  January 15, 2025- 2pm

Wednesday, January 15, 2025- 2pm

Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
Mercury’s (4) day – Ray 4 day. Harmony emerging from Conflict & Chaos Day today.
The color is golden yellow.
Cicero said – “One who has a garden & a library wants for nothing.” We add music, dance, theatre, art and knowledge of astrology to this list.
Leo (1/5) moon, Capricorn (1/3/7) Sun & Mercury.
Sun opposite Mars (6) retrograde tonight, 6:39pm.
We are in our last days of Capricorn Sun.
On Sunday, the Sun enters Aquarius (5).
At 12 noon (PT).
Monday is Inauguration day – we have been waiting for this day for four years.
It’s MLK, Jr. remembrance day too.
Libra moon – harmony day.
Aquarius Sun – the new order in our country begins.
The Disciple along with other Disciples beginning to bring forth the Rule of Law (Libra).
The World Teacher has forerunners (disciples) among the people of Earth, disciples who appear to the people, teach & lead the people, prepare the people for His Reappearance.
This is the year that the Precipitation of that Reappearance begins.
The new government, the NGWS, the people of Goodwill everywhere are the forerunners.
Bringing forth Love, Will, Wisdom, the Will to Good, Goodwill, Right Relations & the Rule of Law.
Everything in heaven & in earth is under the Law.
Asking everyone – are you one of the Forerunners?
love, Risa
Graphics – the Jefferson Building
Lobby to Main Reading Room.
Title of mural – Good Administration by Elihu Vedder. Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.

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8 + 14 =

Tuesday, January 14, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, January 14, 2025- 8am



Tuesday,  January 14, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, January 14, 2025- 8pm

The Electric Universe – what we were not taught.
An Alternative Cosmological Theory.
Today….Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
One month ’til Valentine’s day!
Venus – the goddess of love – will be at its brightest just in time for Valentine’s Day 2025. But now is the time to start watching Venus. It’s in the west after sunset, brighter than any other planet or star. And now Saturn is near Venus in the evening sky.
Saturn & Venus – the Dweller & the Angel of the Presence.

Today Leo Moon – a time to best cultivate our creative talents & gifts. Then our true creative identity is recognized.

Capricorn Sun & Mercury. Serious talk about serious things.
Like the Electric Universe! See below.

Venus (5) square Jupiter (2) today – Pisces/Gemini – both receive & distribute Ray 2. Intelligent Love.
When Venus interacts w/ Jupiter, unifying love events happen.
Words (Gemini) of Love (Pisces) stream from our hearts.
Try it today!

Moon /Mercury today, Moon/Jupiter today, Moon/Venus today.
The moon is busy today making contact w/ the planetary Lords.

Tomorrow, Mars retro is very close to Earth & opposite the Sun.
We can see Mars in the sky – it’s red.
It’s a heavenly alignment!

Some Things to Know & Then to Ponder Upon.
Out Electric Universe:
[An alternative cosmological theory]
The Electric Universe
The Electric Universe model is an alternative cosmological theory that emphasizes the role of electricity and electromagnetism in the universe. Here are its key concepts:
1. Electromagnetism Over Gravity: It posits that electromagnetic forces, rather than gravity, are the dominant forces shaping the universe, influencing the formation and behavior of celestial bodies.
2. Electric Currents in Space: The model suggests that vast electric currents flow through space, connecting stars, galaxies, and other cosmic structures, and that these currents play a crucial role in their dynamics and energy.
3. Plasma Cosmology: It incorporates ideas from plasma physics, proposing that plasma, a state of matter consisting of charged particles, is a fundamental component of the universe and is influenced by electromagnetic forces.
4. Solar Activity: The Electric Universe model attributes solar phenomena, such as sunspots and solar flares, to external electric currents interacting with the Sun, rather than internal nuclear fusion processes.
5. Cosmic Structures: It suggests that galaxies, stars, and planetary systems are formed and maintained by electromagnetic forces, challenging the conventional gravity-centric models.

Overall, the Electric Universe model offers a radically different perspective on cosmic phenomena, focusing on the influence of electricity and magnetism across the universe. Overall, the Electric Universe model challenges the conventional understanding by focusing on electromagnetic forces and external energy sources, whereas the accepted model relies on nuclear fusion and gravitational forces.
Reference Source: The Electric Bridge, Lucis Trust.

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6 + 4 =

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 4pm

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 4pm



Sunday,  January 12, 2025- 4pm

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 4pm

Giving. Then giving again.
Giving on Sunday & every day after where there is need.
So much suffering & losses that it is beyond difficult to fathom
from the fires in Los Angeles. The heart chakra of the U.S.
My thoughts and love are with everyone in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles is my hometown & the home of my children.
My children were born there.
For those looking for a place to donate meals link to Botanica – an extraordinary & favorite restaurant in LA. …Risa

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