Monday, November 4, 2024- 7pm

Monday, November 4, 2024- 7pm



Monday,  November 4, 2024- 7pm

Monday, November 4, 2024- 7pm

Invoking the Forces of Light to bring illumination to the
minds of humanity.
And so….
It’s exciting to wake up each morning & wonder what is happening on the world stage today?
What is happening in our town or city?
In our state? Our nation?
What is happening in world around us, our gardens & street & neighborhoods?
What is happening in the heavens?
Everywhere we look, life itself is happening.
And every moment something is changing.
Life itself is a car show, a festival, a party, a test, a challenge.
Life itself (earth, sky) is a Kingdom of Beauty.
Don’t you think?

Today is Monday, a new week begins again!
Life is a spiral, our earth moving in space among through & around the stars.

Today is November 4, 2024. Tomorrow’s the day!
First the vote. Then the count! What will our humanity choose?
Freedom or slavery? A true president or a globalist?
We don’t choose based on gender or on our emotions.
We are to be intelligent informed voters.

Today – Scorpio (4) Sun – Ray 4 of Harmony hiding within the heart of conflict & chaos. Scorpio is the Disciple, warriors who emerge triumphant.
Scorpio is the snake that attacks & bites;
the rising of the fire of kundalini;
the caduceus;
the phoenix that bursts into flames & destroys the darkness, the limitations, the hindrances.
Scorpio is the eagle flying in the blue sky of freedom.

Today at 717 am (PT) the moon enters Capricorn (1,3,7).
This is the Gate wherein we return to heaven.
It’s the Light Supernal, the Light that destroys the darkness.
It’s the mountaintop of pure light & virtue.

Pluto (1) is in the last degrees of Capricorn before entering Aquarius (5/7) (a whole new world begins, a new element, from earth to air – we will “meet in the upper room”) November 19th.

Pluto in Aquarius – Preparing for the Appearance of the Aquarian World Teacher.

Mercury (4) & Venus (5) are in Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) – calling for Justice & Truth (Sag’s tasks) & for an end to the separations. Venus unifies.

Mars (6) is in Leo (1/5/2) (Leadership in the Golden Age) – calling for the true Leader of the people to appear and to come forth. The people are calling the true Leader forth to take us into the Promised Land of Aquarius.

What will the people in the U.S. choose tomorrow?
The dark or the Light?
We are, in our country, in a war for our freedoms.
A battle between the F/ of Light & the F/ of Darkness.
The test for humanity is to see the Light & stand in the Light.
And not be confused or illusioned or caught by the false light.
To have Right Discernment & Discrimination.
In order to make Right Choice & to have Right Action.
It is a profound test for humanity at this time.
it determines everyone’s future.
If we don’t see the light we can’t step into it.
For those who cannot see the true Light, a deep sleep will ensue.
Because humanity who cannot see the true light is already asleep. And will not be able to move forward into the light.
The deep sleep is called, esoterically, Pralaya.

Our Mantram today, tomorrow, everyday…
Calling forth the Forces of Light for humanity.

May the Forces of Light
bring illumination to humanity.
May the Spirit of Peace
be spread abroad.
May people of Goodwill everywhere
meet in a Spirit of Cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all humanity
be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to know & todo our part in
the world.

We know O Lord of Love & Life about the needs of humanity.
Touch our hearts anew with Love so we may love & give, love & give & love & give again. Ohm Shanti shanti shanti. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 15 =

Sunday, November 3, 2024- 8am

Sunday, November 3, 2024- 8am



Sunday,  November 3, 2024- 8am

Sunday, November 3, 2024- 8am

The Time of Convergence We Are In (read below)
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to humanity.
The F/Darkness cultivating separation.
From dark to Light. Humanity is to be the light.
A stronghold of Light. Our destiny.

Daily prayer for humanity –
Making our choice during these Kali Yuga times.
What has, what will each of us choose, Libra asks?

Today is Sunday, November 3, 2024.
A complex day today in the heavens.
A complex day today on earth (heaven’s reflection).
Sag moon – a call for justice.
Scorpio Sun – a call to discipleship.
Mars/Pluto – careful everyone – Cancer/Capricorn.
This is an intense energy –
The Two Gates are opened – into Earth, return to Spirit.
Venus/Jupiter – this is a kind, loving beneficent energy.
This evening Mars enters Leo – we turn our focus upon our talents, gifts, abilities. We realize we are each sovereign & each of us is a point of light. Fully powerful, immersed in love, aligned with the true Matrix – the heart of Love.

Countdown, including today –
3 days til Tuesday, November 5, 2024, election day.
What will humanity in our country choose?
Will we once again experience the fraud that occurred during the 2020 election? What will happen after the election?

What will the outcome be?
Everyone is anxious and everyone is asking.
In the meantime….we recite the prayer to illumine the minds of humanity.

Prayer for Humanity
Let the Force of Light bring illumination to the minds of men (thinkers). Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men (thinkers) of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of
May there be forgiveness & may it be the keynote of the times.
Let power attend the Great Ones.
And so let it be, & help us to know & to do our part in the world.

Our Present Convergence Times.
Why is humanity so divided? The world so upside down?
Living in the Kali Yuga where the dark is allowed to be seen.
Where everything is inside out. Where there is no rule of law.
We are in a convergence time. All the time lines of existence are coming together. Passing thru the eye of the needle, all time lines converging. Past, present, future.

We have people from all life waves, time lines all together.
We are preparing for the next order of things, the Aquarian Age.
Multiple time lines coming together with different abilities, different abilities of seeing, know, hearing.
Multiple frequencies, from the lowest to the highest.
Contrasts everywhere. Where humanity can learn & choose which reality do we want to occupy?

Everything collapsing that we are used to.
This will not continue. This is where we are now.
In this Kali Yuga time – a convergence point of all realities coming together.

We are living in an extraordinary time.
There is so much, we can short circuit with all the possibilities.

This is the external world.
What do we define as our internal world.

How do we define ourselves? (north node in Aries).
What is our self identity in this time of convergence?
How do we define reality?
We are living in the Matrix with upside down rules.
Living internally, this corrects the confusion.
A purification is occurring.
During this great shift of the Ages.
Those who control the Matrix are out & about controlling the lives of humanity.

However, the Forces of Light are also here.
Humanity attaining levels of love & intelligence.
Not allowed in the Matrix.
The love dissolves the walls of the Matrix.
Darkness vying for control.
Where there is separation, there is darkness.
The F/Darkness cultivate separation.
This is what we are encountering now, what we have endured.
Think on this.

But light only seeks unification – this is the nature of God.
What we are actually seeing is the light will become lighter (wholeness), the dark will become darker (& its power will dissipate). Darkness is the illusion of separation.
But many choose the darkness.

Two mainstreams – one dark, one light.
Manipulated attempt to maintain the band of darkness.
The darkness had a stronghold in the government.
This is where the Dark matrix must crumble.
When we don’t see the truth, when we don’t recognize the false light, then humanity becomes polarized.

All eventually is being reversed into wholeness.
God calling His Creation back.

Humanity needed the experience of the Matrix (Kali Yuga).
The political strife, the oppositions.

To make its choices.
In terms of voting, what did each of us choose?
Did we see the false darkness & did we see the light?

As we move from one age (Pisces) to the next (Aquarius).
Libra sails our ship, our Ark.
As we go thru the eye of the needle into the new world.

Does everyone know what times we are in?
Which stream has each of us chosen?

Isn’t it beautiful to just be human with each other?
With no other labels?

The Sun is a Star Gate…restoring the light.
Correcting the false matrix, so we can enter
into the Divine Matrix. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

1 + 9 =

Saturday, November 2, 2024- 4pm

Saturday, November 2, 2024- 4pm



Saturday,  November 2, 2024- 4pm

Saturday, November 2, 2024- 4pm

Day of Remembrance.
All Souls Day. Creating our altars.
Remembering loved ones who have left the Earth.
And are now in heaven. We love & remember them today.
Below is a remembrance day of the death all souls day altar.
What does your remembrance altar look like? Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 3 =

Friday, November 1, 2024- 12pm

Friday, November 1, 2024- 12pm



Friday,  November 1, 2024- 12pm

Friday, November 1, 2024- 12pm

Calling for prayers today (see below).
New Moon today, Scorpio new moon, 9 degrees.
New Moon – supporting the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers. (esoteric).
Today is also All Saints Day (Christian holy day).
And the 2nd day of Diwali (Hindu holy day).
Light overcoming the darkness.
The Forces of Light do (in the end) control the F/Darkness.
We are the Light in the Kali Yuga darkness.

And so…
On this November 1, 2024 day. Sun & Moon in Scorpio (4).

Countdown – including today – 4 days til November 5th dawns.
Then at the end of Nov. 5th, everyone will have voted (we hope).
It is our privlege to vote & our responsibility if we want to be a free people & a Free Constitutional Republic.

Remember, there are two choices.
We vote either with our emotions (clouded, murky, illusioned, reactive).
Or we vote as informed intelligent (clear thinking discerning between light & dark) people.

Two more perspectives.
We either support the rule of the city (materialism)
Or the Rule of the Soul (Rule of Law that helps all of humanity thrive)

And so…today…
All Saints Day.
Rising up to meet those who have left the earth plane.
Walking among us in the etheric planes.
We all meet, blend & rise up into the heavens together.
Like eagles flying in the wind.
On this holy day called All Saints Day.

Today is the first day of November.
It’s Friday, November 1, 2024.
It’s also All Saints Day. Tomorrow is All Soul’s Day.

As the veils part between worlds, and the spirits of those who have left the earth plane walk among us, we greet them.
We greet the saints & holy ones who led the Ways for us.
And tomorrow we greet our family, friends, & loved ones who now reside in heaven.

Scorpio –
We are in the time of Scorpio – where three lights meet.
The light of heaven, the light of all the Souls and the light of those in the physical plane.

Three lights – the light of the physical body, the light of the Soul & the Light of Life itself. Meeting, we all rise up together.

Scorpio – the sign of death & rebirth, of the flaming phoenix burning away the dross of materiality, the eagle flying in the clouds, look down upon the earth, calling to all of us to step upon the path of Light.

Calling for prayers for Sarah, my daughter.
For her eyes. And for the eyes also of Matthew.
Today, Sarah will have surgery on her eyes.
It’s a delicate surgery. And I ask for prayers for her.
That the surgeon’s hands be skilled & sensitive.
That Sarah not be afraid. The the surgery is calm & easy.
That healing comes swiftly & is successful.

Prayers For Sarah’s eye surgery.
Lord of the World & the Mother of the World.
And Saint Lucy, patron saint of the eyes.
We ask that Sarahs surgery go well today.
And that the windows of her soul open up & be clear again.
So that her inner light within can shine out into the world.
And the outer light can enter her eyes unhindered.
We call upon the healing angels to accompany the surgeon & Sarah as the surgery is occurring.
“May healing of the eyes come and also in-sight”.
For both Sarah & Matthew.
May our prayers be heard and the grace of healing be given with the blessing of St. Lucy, the Mother & the Lord of the World.
“May healing occur & also in-sight.” Amen

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

9 + 6 =

Thursday, October 31, 2024- 10am

Thursday, October 31, 2024- 10am



Thursday,  October 31, 2024- 10am

Thursday, October 31, 2024- 10am

When it’s dark, we become the Light.
Two celebrations today – Diwali & Halloween.
Both about the Light overcoming the darkness.
Both are summer’s end harvest festivals.
And so….
A beautiful text & story today.
Two parts – part 2 to read to the children especially.

Thursday, Jupiter’s day, October 31, 2024.
Our last day of October. Tomorrow is November 1st.


Today –
Halloween. Diwali – Hindu Festival of Light.
And our Reappearance Meditation day.
Tomorrow is new moon day – 9 degrees, 35 minutes Scorpio.
Happy Halloween everyone –

What is Halloween & How to Pronounce Samhain (So, wen).
Halloween (or Samhain- summer’s end) is far from an evil celebration. Its roots are deeply connected to honouring ancestors, embracing the natural cycles of the season, and warding off negativity. Samhain marks the transition from the light half of the year to the dark, symbolising the triumph of light over darkness, a theme reflected in other festivals around the world, such as Diwali and Día de los Muertos. Exploring these connections can reveal how cultures across the globe share stories of the human experience, especially surrounding themes of life, death, and renewal.

Samhain, pronounced (sow-wen), is the ancient Celtic festival marking the end of summer and the final harvest. The name itself means “summer’s end” and is the Irish word for the month of November, which traditionally marked the beginning of the Celtic New Year. It was celebrated not on a fixed date but based on the lunar cycle, often aligning with the cross-quarter days, when the year was divided into natural, seasonal sections. On the old Julian calendar, Samhain actually aligned more with 11th November, but when the calendar system was reformed, it shifted to 31st October, the date we now associate with Halloween. In fact some places in the UK, like a town called Killin in Scotland, observed Samhain on November 11th until World War One.

The church later adapted and rebranded Samhain into what became All Hallows’ Eve (or Halloween), followed by All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. This strategy of integrating pagan festivals was commonly used to convert non-Christian communities, with similar changes seen in other holidays, like Christmas and Easter.

Traditionally, Samhain is the last of three harvest festivals. In ancient times, great community bonfires were lit, and people would take a flame from the communal fire back to their homes to light their hearths, welcoming warmth and good fortune for the year ahead. It was believed that on this night, the sun god symbolically died, as darkness overtook the light, only to be reborn on Yule, at the Winter Solstice, when the sun’s strength would return.

Samhain was also seen as the time when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds was at its thinnest, allowing easier communication with ancestors and spirits. To honour their dead and protect against malicious spirits, the Celts would carve faces into turnips or potatoes—precursors to the pumpkin carving tradition of North American Halloween—and wear costumes to disguise themselves from unfriendly spirits. Doors were often left unlocked so that the spirits of loved ones could enter the home and join in the festivities, a far cry from the idea of Samhain being “evil.”

In North America, Halloween has evolved differently, blending Celtic traditions with other cultural customs from around the world as well as regionally eventually leading to it becoming a more secular holiday. The emphasis shifted towards community gatherings, costumes, trick-or-treating, and, eventually, a commercial celebration of spooky fun. But the core themes of connecting with the past, honouring the cycles of nature, and recognising the balance between light and dark still persist in its origins, both in Ireland and elsewhere.


“What’s ‘sam-hane’?” Rabbit asked, their ears twitching with curiosity.

“You mean ‘Sow-wen’?” Bear replied.

“I guess…?” Rabbit tilted their head. “It happens at Halloween.”

“Ah, yes,” Bear said with a knowing smile. “Halloween is the eve of Samhain, the night before something very special begins.”

Rabbit’s eyes widened. “What is Samhain?”

Bear leaned forward, as if sharing a secret. “Samhain is the ancient marking of the end of summer. In Irish, it means ‘November,’ the beginning of the dark half of the year. From Samhain until the Winter Solstice, the days grow shorter and darker. Then, when the Solstice comes, the light slowly begins to return, and the days grow longer and brighter again. But Samhain is more than just the turn of the seasons—it’s the time when the harvest ends and the world prepares for winter.”

“So everything’s getting ready to sleep?” Rabbit asked, glancing at the trees, their leaves turning gold and brown.

Bear nodded. “Yes, plants wither, trees lose their leaves, and animals like me settle down for a long rest. The Earth itself takes a breath, resting so that everything can bloom again in spring.”

Rabbit’s nose twitched. “That sounds kind of… sad.”

Bear shook their head gently. “It might feel that way, but it’s not. Samhain is not about loss—it’s about honouring the cycles of life. It’s the time to remember and celebrate all the good things that have come and gone, so they stay with us through the cold months.”

“How do we do that?” Rabbit asked.

“By gathering together,” Bear said. “We light great bonfires as the sun fades, and we tell stories—stories of those we’ve loved, the ancestors who came before us, and all the adventures we’ve had. The warmth of the fire, and the memories we share, keep the light alive within us.”

“What about when it’s time to go home?” Rabbit asked.

“We take the fire with us,” Bear explained. “A candle lit from the bonfire, carried back to light our hearths. We feed it with stories and memories while we cook the harvest to last through winter. And before long, as we share the warmth, the days grow longer again.”

Rabbit thought for a moment. “So, the light never really leaves us…”

“No,” Bear said softly. “When all appears dark, we become the light. That’s the magic of Samhain.”

The wind whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of fallen leaves and distant fires. Rabbit sat quietly beside Bear, feeling the truth of it settle in their heart. It wasn’t just about the changing seasons, it was about carrying the light of love, memory, and hope through the darkest times.

“When all appears dark,” Bear said again, their voice soft like the wind through the trees, “we become the light.”

And in that moment, Rabbit understood: Samhain wasn’t an ending—it was a beginning. The light didn’t fade; it transformed, becoming something they could carry with them, even in the longest, coldest nights.

©️Tara Shannon, 2023

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