Friday, November 22, 2024- 11am

Friday, November 22, 2024- 11am



Friday,  November 22, 2024- 10am

Friday, November 22, 2024- 11am

A Time For Greatness.
It was then (during JFK’s presidency).
And it’s also A TIME FOR GREATNESS NOW too!
If the people awaken, are able to rise up together & take action.
If the people understand the true prez & his cabinet.
It’s purpose & direction for the people.
It’s a spiritual story I’ll tell another time.
For today though….
Today is….
A day of remembrance in our history. November 22, 1963.
The day our president, our last true president, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas (his Pluto line).

Today is Friday, November 22, 2024 – Venus’s day.
The Leo moon is v/c ’til 3pm (PT) when it enter Virgo.
Quotes & definitions & clarifications today.
Sun in Sagittarius – the zodiacal sign of Truth, Justice & Temperance.
Mercury in Sagittarius, too. Venus in Capricorn.
Venus sextiles Saturn today – the two rulers of Capricorn.
Venus (5), Saturn (3) – knowledge rays precipitating down into the minds of humanity today.

And so….Quotes from John F. Kennedy.
1. Being of Service:
“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country”
2. Knowledge:
The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.”

3. Freedom:
“If freedom is to survive and prosper, it will require the sacrifice, the effort and the thoughtful attention of every citizen.”

4. Serving the Public:
“I have pledged myself and my colleagues in the cabinet to a continuous encouragement of initiative, responsibility and energy in serving the public interest. Let every public servant know, whether his post is high or low, that a man’s rank and reputation in this Administration will be determined by the size of the job he does, and not by the size of his staff, his office or his budget.

Our Present Times
Today in our times, our present true president will continue his legacy, bringing forth the Rule of Law & cleaning the fetic swamp (Hercules’ Aquarian task). And it takes a strong courageous fearless leader/Leo (he has Leo rising, Mars in Leo) to do the job.
Quotes from JFK that are reflected in our present true prez actions, as he de centralizes the Dept of Education (another swamp of wokeness) & allows the counties of each state to be responsible for the education of its children. And the same with abortion – that each state is now responsible. But really, it’s each woman who is responsible for the care & well being of her body first.
Centralization – a globalists cadre with POWER OVER all the people.
DE-Centralization – giving the people in each state & county over themselves. The people make the decisions among themselves & thus what is cultivated is POWER WITH each other.

The true prez with his cabinet are like the disciples around the Christ. Each had a different task to do. The tasks they did were based upon their expertise, abilities, talents & what they were passionate about. Each disciple was one of the signs of the zodiac which represents the Tasks & Labours of Hercules.

Mercury retrogrades Monday – 23 degrees Sagittarius.
Retrograding til Dec. 15 – back to 7 Sagittarius.
Best to do ALL holiday shopping this weekend.
Everyone knows why by now. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 10 =

Wednesday, November 20, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, November 20, 2024- 10am



Wednesday,  November 20, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, November 20, 2024- 11am

Note: to read the entire column please go to Risa D’Angeles FB page or Night Light News –
Leo Moon today, Scorpio Sun.
Fire & water. They can create a steam.
Leo & Scorpio. The waters of Scorpio give way to the Fires of Sagittarius (Sun enters Sag tomorrow just before noon (PT).
Scorpio (water) offers to Sagittarius (fire) all the disciples it has cultivated, called forth & gathered after the Nine Tests have been passed.
Water & fire –
Like Pisces (water), who offers Aries (fire) all the talents of the 11 previous signs so Aries (fire) can “create all things new.”
The Earth is precipitated waters of life.

And so, today is Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
It’s Ray 4 day – ruled by Mercury (4). Harmony at the heart of conflict & chaos. Reaching the state of harmony is also a test of Scorpio (4). There is so much to learn & know together.
Today Leo moon – always under Leo – we cultivate our gifts talents abilities in preparation for when Aquarius (Leo’s opposite sign) calls our gifts forth to help create the new culture & civilization. We are as disciples very aware of this, especially as Pluto has now entered Aquarius. We are to build the new era together, which is part of the new cabinet in the new government that is about to be.

So today is our last day of Scorpio (Ray 4).
And tomorrow the Sun enters Sagittarius (Ray 4, 5, 6).
We leave the Lords of Scorpio & enter into the Halls of Learning with the Sagittarius Lords, the great professors of the zodiac.
We begin a sojourn with our Great Teachers (like the Teachers in the School of Athens). After Sagittarius we travel to the foothills of Capricorn, and begin our journey upward – a long journey to the top of the Capricorn mountain, entering the gate of the Light Supernal. But that is a month from now. At Winter Solstice, when we begin preparations for Wesak.

For now….let up ponder upon the following:
Hearings in Congress about the UFO sightings. Are they real or not real? Perfect to listen today as Pluto entered Aquarius. What will they pull? Alien invasion? This is coming out before the inauguration. It’s a massive disclosure – talking about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (another way to say UFOs). Yes the gov has been in contact w/ off planet technology – summing it up – talking about ships able to travel thru water, think about the military, the navy all they’ve seen in the sky & from out of the water.

Telling us yes there are aliens, there are space ships, yes we’ve explained technological inf. w/ the off planet people. Project Blue Beam is holograms, ability to create projections into the sky that is not real – projecting massive ship (UFO) to put people into fear possibly….gov has technology that can manipulate people – disclosure – the fact that it is even being talked about perhaps it has to do with the new Golden Age we will enter – every day is a new day – did we jump time lines, what world are we living in now? and more…..we have to listen to the hearings & come to our own conclusion. To Listen – – Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 10 =

Tuesday, November 19, 2024- 10am

Tuesday, November 19, 2024- 10am



Tuesday,  November 19, 2024- 10am

Tuesday, November 19, 2024- 10am

Note to readers:
To read entire text go to – or to Risa D’Angeles FB page.
The text today – November 19, 2024.
Pluto enters Aquarius & Disclosures:
See disclosure link at the end of this text.
As for Pluto entering Aquarius –
The election was a timeline shift – saving humanity.
Saving the planet & our country for our children.
And so….
On this momentous day….Pluto entering Aquarius.
A party is happening in our country.
Come join us! Under Scorpio,.the warriors won!
Regarding Pluto in Aquarius.
The planets move in a steady course in the heavens.
Although it may well feel chaotic in our world today.
The stars tell us…all’s well. Life is changing & transforming.
Maintain poise & simply observe everything.

And so…
Down here on here – today is the big day!
The day Pluto enters finally & really enters Aquarius.
Remaining in the “man with the water pot” for the next 20 years!

For the last 16 years, the Pluto, the transformer, has been in Capricorn, an earth sign, & the sign of big government, corporations, big pharma, plutocrats, globalist control, monopolies and everything connected to greed & big money.
The American Dream got lost in all of it.

But now, Pluto is entering Aquarius, an air sign, the “waters of life for a thirsty humanity” and, based upon the Aquarian Labors of Hercules, there will be a house cleaning (the cleaning of the stables, who stench was destroying towns & cities & the people could no go outside anymore).

With Pluto in Aquarius we will now have “new rules..”
Pluto is the most powerful of the planets. It works with Ray 1 which is the destroyer Ray & the creator Ray. ALong with Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, Pluto will “disrupt” all that is not for the good of humanity. Pluto is fierce! It brings to light all that has been “unseen” for the past many decades.

Pluto uncovers & reveals all that has been veiled & secret – plots, motives, machinations, power over that has controlled & manipulated the people. It’s like an underground bomb!
Pluto rules Scorpio – which is the snake, the eagle & the phoenix.

The phoenix bursts into flames & destroys all that is no longer needed for the new era – the era of humanity (Aquarius) and the era of Freedom. Aquarius is the sign of humanity’s voice of freedom.

Pluto, as the celestial agent of transformation, will begin to push those who don’t accept the truth, to confront hard truths and to understand what’s really occurring. There are many who are still speaking the old ways, the old paradigms. If they don’t want to be left behind, says Pluto, they need to begin to learn the new narrative.

Pluto as the furthest planet from our sun bring a light to our large-scale, big-picture, collective experiences: the “Zeitgeist” of our times is revealed.

What is Zeitgeist? It is the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.
For example, the musical Hair with its famous song “Aquarius, Let the Sun Shine In” as the story/rock musical that captured the zeitgeist (atosphere) of the late 1960s”

So, Pluto, the god of the underworld who knows about the belly of the beast, all things hidden & corrupt, brings light to the government, the epochs, the dark forces, the entrainment, the controls over humanity that are destroying humanity.
This is Pluto’s task.

In terms of the planets surrounding our Sun….the personal planets, the day to day planets are the planets closest to the sun (Moon Mercury Venus, Mars).

But the outer planets, the further out the planet, the wider deeper more potent its sphere of influence — so, when it comes to Pluto, as it is the last planet around the sun – its presence & its movements literally define the foundation as well as the perimeter of our reality (both on inner & outer levels).

Pluto is the “big guy”, he is big business with their economic structures. Pluto is world empires, nations, world governments, world leaders. And Pluto is also the phoenix that bursts into flames & burns it all down (that which is corrupt & no longer useful ot the new era) so we can begin anew (Pluto in Aquarius).

Pluto in Capricorn (earth element, Saturn ruled) – government, top down control.
Pluto in Aquarius (air element, Uranus ruled, Jupiter too) – the people, revelations, revolution, Freedom.

Pluto in Aquarius – the voice of the people (which was heard at the last election). It is the collective rising up, seeking a brighter better future. It’s a humanitarian revolution in the making and it has just begun.

The new era of humanity will generate new government structures, groundbreaking technology, new medicine, new art, new music, and new social innovation that change the course of history.
And everyone & everything will be impacted by this, slowly yet quickly, too, over the many years ahead. Pluto in Aquarius and its new energy will have ripple effects all across the world. It will impact us individually (where is 0 Aquarius in everyone’s chart, what area of life?) and it will iimpact every person, place, nation, country, the entire globe. Time will accelerate, events too.

Pluto in Aquarius is a revolution & a revelations.
And I know that no one wants to be left behind!

Note: when our country was founded in 1776, Pluto was in Aquarius. So this is like a rebirth of our country – this will be the first time Pluto has returned to its position since the founding of our Republic. And it is the first time that Transiting (in the sky) Pluto will leave Capricorn & enter into the atmosphere of

Aquarius – which will deeply affect our country!
It is like a 2nd birthday for our country! What happens to a 2 year old? What are they doing developmentally? What is the work a 2 year old uses constantly? What does it signify?
If we look at the chart of the United States, we see (out wheel)

Mars coming up onto the North Node (inner wheel). This signifies that after the retrograde of Mars (6 degrees Leo, on Dec. 6th moving forward at the end of February 2025 & on the U.S. north node at the beginning of May) – the US will swiftly begin to move forward with its spiritual & world purpose.

The stars & planets follow a specific course. They bring innovation to humanity so that humanity on earth can develop & evolve along a specific path wherein more & more light is available.
This light, from the planets & stars, contains information humanity seeks. Working with this “light” creates the “collective good” The planets & stars, the Sun & Moon, they are reliable and steady, constant & consistent. They mark our courses into the future.
With Pluto entering Aquarius at 12:29pm (Pacitic time) today, the old world falls away. And the new world stand in front of us in plain sight. Can you see it?
We are in the midst of history being made, beginning today!.
love, Risa

Listening to the Hearings.
Hearings in Congress about the UFO sightings. Are they real or not real? Perfect to listen today as Pluto entered Aquarius. What will they pull? Alien invasion? This is coming out before the inauguration. It’s a massive disclosure – talking about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (another way to say UFOs). Yes the gov has been in contact w/ off planet technology – summing it up – talking about ships able to travel thru water, think about the military, the navy all they’ve seen in the sky & from out of the water. Telling us yes there are aliens, there are space ships, yes we’ve explained technological inf. w/ the off planet people. Project Blue Beam is holograms, ability to create projections into the sky that is not real – projecting massive ship (UFO) to put people into fear possibly….gov has technology that can manipulate people – disclosure – the fact that it is even being talked about perhaps it has to do with the new Golden Age we will enter – every day is a new day – did we jump time lines, what world are we living in now? and more…..we have to listen to the hearings & come to our own conclusion. To Listen – – Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

11 + 13 =

Monday, November 18, 2024- 9am

Monday, November 18, 2024- 9am



Monday,  November 18, 2024- 9am

Monday, November 18, 2024- 9am

Scorpio Sun, Cancer moon.
November 18, 2024 – our last week/days of Scorpio Sun.
Today is Monday, another new week of things yet to be.
And. always a surprise or two occurs every new week.
This is a very special week – Why is that?
About Scorpio – the keynote of Scorpio –
Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.
What is the battle is Scorpo? Who can tell us?
Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity as a whole and the life of the individual human being.
There is another great turning point this week.
Tomorrow, at 12:29pm (PT) Pluto, the transformer, enters Aquarius, the sign of humanity and the Aquarian laws & principles begin to come alive. Along with Rays 1 & 5 & 2.
A pivotal & momentous moment tomorrow in the time & history of humanity’s evolution –
It will be a great disruption. Which humanity needs.
Love is a disruption. Uranus & Aquarius are disruptors.
Pluto is a disruptor.
We have just elected the Great Disrupter.
Election is a dusruption & also a breakdown (of the old).
There will be a “cleansing of the stables.”
So a new level of democracy can come forth.
To awaken us to our planetary mission

Disruption shakes humanity’s habits & thought-forms loose so humanity can be free to climb Jacob’s ladder.
And not be mired in the density of matter (the three lowest levels on the Constitution of Man, see below).
More tomorrow!

Today –
November 18 2024.
Cancer moon (nourishing food) today w/ Scorpio Sun
– two water signs.
One nurturing, the other deep & dark & consuming, the call to be a disciple after the Nine Tests are passed!
Mercury (4) is opposite Jupiter (2) today!
Two love rays –
Thus the information (Mercury) that is big (Jupiter) about Pluto entering Aquarius tomorrow.
The heart of Aquarius is Jupiter, Ray 2.
Sun trine Neptune today – Sun illuminating all that is hidden (Neptune). For those who have the gift of a warm pool, today is a good day to be in those warm soothing calming waters.

And now about Kari Lake.
I don’t like propaganda on my FB page or anywhere that I write.
Its vibration of darkness repulses me. As it should.
And so I said I would post the truth about Lake & Arizona & the vote. So here it is.
Voter Fraud in Arizona.
Arizona is ground zero. Kari Lake lost to a cartel mob guy, Ruben Gallego, high level boss who abandoned his family & wife who was pregnant. Question? How did he win in our country? How could Kari Lake lose? Media blitz was out of control & Mitch McConnell has a hand in Cari Lake’s demise. His wife’s in-laws control ports in China – this is why we have a Chinese influence in Arizona. The GOP (McConnell) did NOT give Lake any any money & instead he/they championed the cartel mob guy – they made things up (the left, controlled by the darkest of forces, always lies) & supported Gallegos. Cartel supporting china controls Arizona. Legislature on the take via cartels – they advised forcibly against Lake. In Arizona, large %age complicit in the lies & on the take. Arizona gov. too weak to do anything about the left/ dark forces that conspired to work against Lake. She would have done good. One of the true prez supporters. And so, the voting fraud – They brought in 40K illegal votes counted them, 100% were for Gallegos. Part of McCain cartel that wanted to buy up people’s land to get the underground waters. Arizona is corrupt. They stole the election when Lake ran for governor. The present gov is a transgender surgeon. The dark forces have infiltrated so much in our country. We have a long way to go to clean up the destruction. The fight is on. The more we know of the Truth, the more we can stand with the Forces of Light. love, Risa

Scorpio painting –
Dynamic Scorpio – artist Ricardo Mendez

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9 + 5 =

Sunday, November 17, 2024- 9am

Sunday, November 17, 2024- 9am



Sunday,  November 17, 2024- 10am

Sunday, November 17, 2024- 10am

In the Ashram Kitchen Today.
Sunday, November 17, 2024.
Gemini (Ray 2) moon today – using our hands today, healing energies radiate from our heart to & through our hands.
Gemini is the lungs & hands, our thoughts & communications.

Scorpio Sun – Ray 4 – Scorpio is the sign that brings for th the turning of the Great Wheel, the turning of the life of humanity & each individual. Every stage of growth is being tested (9 tests of Mars/Scorpio).

Love Rays (2, 4, 6) – Love builds the forms. It is love that calls us to meet each other lifetime after lifetime. Risa

Gemini (2) Moon – daily life today.
Using our hands, making food, tending to foods for nourishment.
In the Ashram Kitchen today.
Making chai today – it’s getting a bit cooler these nights.
For early dinner or supper:

On the stove –
Dry roasting seeds – sunflower, pumpkin & sesame seeds (brown) & salt – for Gomasio (Japanese word for sesame salt). Sometimes I add bits of nori (seaweed, then it would be called Furikake).
Dinner – on the stove & in the oven.
1. For dinner – lamb chops & steamed brussel sprouts. white & sweet potatoes. The four go together really well – mixing the sweet w/ the white potato, a bit of butter or ghee, salt & pepper.
Salad w/ lemon, orange juice & olive oil dressing.

In the oven:
2. Maple Granola (for Matthew) – organic non gmo oats, lots of dried coconut, nuts – almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews; sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia & hemp seeds; maple syrup, ghee, pistachio & walnut oils, salt & cinnamon.
Slow baked in a 250 oven til brown & slightly crispy.
When cooled, adding raisins, dried cherries, apricots & cranberries. Packing it off for Matthew, who has it every morning w/ yogurt.

Resting a bit today – preparing for the upcoming week.
For things yet to be…exciting times! love, Risa
(Note: read my question below about Arizona – why did Kari Lake lose to Gallegos?)

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14 + 10 =

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