February 16, 2025- 9am

February 16, 2025- 9am



Saturday,  February 15, 2025- 12pm

Sunday, February 16, 2025- 9am

Contemplation –
Two Psalms today to contemplate. Art too of Lilias Trotter.
“Many are the wonders today…” Psalm (see below)
Resting today – as a new week begins.
Contemplation & rest, nourishment & perhaps some play & a gathering together today.
What will each of us do today?

Today & tomorrow, Sunday & Monday.
We are in our last two days of Aquarius Sun.
Pisces Sun begins after midnight, Tuesday morning.

Today…Sunday, February 18, 2025.
How Harmony & Peace are Created.
An Esoteric Equation – A quiz question for later on.
And so…
Today – Sunday – Aquarius (5/7) Sun & Pluto (1).
Libra (3) moon.
How are harmony & peace brought forth by each of us?
An esoteric equation.
It is the ONLY way to peace (an ongoing active process).
1. Goodwill intentions… intentions for Goodwill in all thoughts & actions…create
2. Right Relations with all the kingdoms, which creates the
3. Peace, Love & Beauty that humanity seeks.
The NGWS (disciples, men & women of Goodwill) is to understand this equation, acting it out & thus bringing it forth into the world, in all situations & interactions.

Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra & Mars (retrograde, slowing down) in Cancer.
Mars (6) moving very very slowly in its retrograde now (in Cancer) preparing for its movement forward on the 24th.
Remaining at 17 degrees Cancer.
Again, where is 17 Cancer (3/7) in everyone’s chart?
This is where Mars (6) is stationing.
Moon In Libra (3) makes contact today w/ Mars (6), Saturn (3)
& Chiron today.

Tomorrow, President’s day (
Washington & Lincoln & the Roosevelts & all the presidents
of the United States).
Tomorrow, the characteristics of a true (chosen) leader, a Disciple of the people.
Tuesday, Sun enters Pisces.

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders You have done.
The things You have planned for us no one can recount to You;
were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.—Psalm 40:5

“We can “fire upwards” in this [spiritual] battle, even if we are shut out from fighting it face-to-face.… We can as truly, as effectually, as prevailingly, do our share within the four walls of our rooms. ‘To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in You I trust, O my God.’ (Psalm 25:1 – 2).”

Art of Lilias Trotter – b. July 14, 1853 (London) – d. August 27, 1928 (Algeria).

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11 + 7 =

Saturday, February 15, 2025- 12pm

Saturday, February 15, 2025- 12pm



Saturday,  February 15, 2025- 12pm

Saturday, February 15, 2025- 1pm

Offering our personality vehicle to the Soul (the serpent of Wisdom).

During Mars retrograde –
Today is Saturday, Saturn’s day.
Saturn is the Teacher, the Teachings, the discipline, the the structure needed day to day & the Rule of Law.
It is said in the Wisdom Teachings, the entire economic field will need to be overhauled before the Christ can reappear.
What do we see in our country at this time?

Saturn on Saturday.
Ray 3 day – Intelligence, Right Knowing & Right Action.
Ray 3 flows through Cancer & Libra (signs) & Saturn (planet).
The moon is in Libra today, too! (more Ray 3)!

Today is February 15, 2025 – our last week of Aquarius.
The mopn today visits with Mercury (4), trines Pluto (1) & opposes Venus (5).
But let’s look at Mars (6) – it’s retrograde beginning in Gemini then back to Cancer (now)-
Mars is preparing to be stationary direct on the 24th – so it’s sitting still mostly in the heavens today at 17 (Q) Cancer.
Where is that in everyone’s chart?

Mars is is activity. Gemini is our thinking, talking.
Cancer is being nourished & nurtured.
With Mars retrograde for so long in Gemini, then Cancer, we may find that we are tired of talking, tired of words spoke, tired of hearing words words words, tired of listening to even more words.
Now we need nurturance & nourishment (Cancer).

Mars retrograde instead calls us to retreat inward, to stop our outer actions, to enter into a state of quiet for a while.
Mars is Ray 6 – in our quietude we are able to focus on our own visions, our own thoughts & ideas, our hopes wishes & dreams. Our visions for ourselves & the future.
Mars then can carry our personality (physical body, vital etheric body, emotional/astral body, lower mental brain mind body) up to “heaven.” Up to the serpent of wisdom (the Soul).
Our opportunity during the Mars retrograde. love, Risa

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13 + 4 =

Friday, February 14, 2025- 8am

Friday, February 14, 2025- 8am



Friday,  February 14, 2025- 8am

Friday, February 14, 2025- 8am

From my heart to your heart.
We have been together many times before.
I don’t remember when. But here we are again.
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!
On this Valentine’s Day – Friday, February 14, 2025.
Mercury enters Pisces today on this Valentine’s day.
A very loving Mercury indeed!
Two fish wishing everyone Happy Valentines Day.
Two Pisces fish bound by a silken cord, one looking towards heaven, one towards earth & thus wishing both heaven & earth Happy Valentine’s day today.
And then there is the moon which is in Virgo – busy tending to the details of the day, to those in need, to the small animals & to the garden, also wishing them Happy Valentine’s Day.
And Mars in Cancer in the kitchen, baking a pot pie & cutting & baking sugar cooking with pink frosting.
And then there’s Aquarius – Sun & Pluto in Aquarius – bringing in a deep transformative message of will & love & transformation hidden at the heart of the words – Happy Valentines Day. The words from the heart, filled with the color of fiery red, chase away the wintertime & call the plant kingdom to come out of hibernation.
We have been together before. I /we don’t remember.
But here we are again! with love, Risa

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2 + 9 =

Thursday, February 13, 2025- 10am

Thursday, February 13, 2025- 10am



Thursday,  February 13, 2025- 10am

Thursday, February 13, 2025- 10am

Celebration & birthday of the Trees.
In the Jewish culture there is a day set aside to celebrate trees.
It is called Tu BiShvat. I wait for it every year, it is such a lovely & celebratory day. This festive celebratory day always falls in February. This year, it falls the day before Valentine’s Day.
This festival marks the “new year” or birthday for the trees, as they begin to awaken from their winter slumber & begin another leaf, fruit, nut bearing year.

A story – a tree planted during the holocaust, its seeds scattered & trees from those seed now growing in the United States –


In ancient time, farmers brought their 4th year fruits to the Temple as offerings. When a farmer at that tie planted fruit & nut trees, they did not eat them until the 4th year harvest ((Leviticus 19.23-25).�So the trees can gain strength over the 3 years & then produce a large harvest in the 4th year.

The celebration of the trees, after the destruction of the Second Temple (70 CE) & the end of Temple offerings, began to diminish among the people. However, the kabbalists** created a ritual: a seder (ceremonial meal) modeled on the Passover feast, during which people ate fruits and nuts associated with the land of Israel, paying attention to the different textures, tastes and symbolism of the items they consumed while reading biblical passages.
At the kabbalists’ seder of Tu B’Shevat, the celebration is structured around four cups of wine, from all or mostly white to red, to mimic the color changes of the seasons – the white snow and almond blossoms (in Israel) of late winter, to the red of the anemone blossoms of summer. Everything eaten became a symbol.
Pomegranates (for abundance) were the first fruits to be eaten, when peeled they reveal glistening red seeds – 613 seeds, corresponding to the number of commandments in the Torah. Then softer fruits w/ large inner seeds. Then figs for their luscious splendor & beauty.

Tu BiShvat is an agricultural festival, similar to Passover Seder. In Israel, it is a tree planting day. It remind the people to take care of the earth & her kingdoms, especially the plant kingdom that gives them food. It celebrates nature waking up from winter. It is like a spring festival. In the Torah, trees are given special significance, as their fruits sustain life.

The Torah actually refers to itself as The Tree of Life.

Over time, Tu BiShvat evolved to hold many cultural and religious meanings.
It is a contemplative time, reflecting on the seasons & the sacredness of the trees. It is also an active celebration, in areas of the world, especially in Israel, trees are planted on this day.
It is a day celebrating nature & the plant kingdom.

In the US, this festival is like our Arbor Day.
There is a children’s book called Thank you Trees, a rhyming story that gives thanks for the trees. (see below).

**Kabbalists – Jewish mystics who study Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism. Kabbalists believe that God works in mysterious ways, but that it’s possible to gain knowledge and understanding of God’s inner workings.

Each morning, as part of our meditation (focusing the M/mind),
we read a message from the trees – from Dorothy Maclean’s (co-founder of Findhorn) book, Call of the Trees.
Along with a paragraph or two from The Soul, Quality of Life.

Walking with the Christ on the Pathway of Light, surrounded by, lined with trees. Walking with the Christ on this Reappearance Meditation day. love, Risa

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8 + 1 =

Wednesday, February 12, 2024- 9am



Wednesday,  February 12, 2025- 9am

Wednesday, February 12, 2025- 9am

Lantern Festival – holding our lamps up high.
So the way is not so dark for humanity.
Full moon day – Aquarius Solar festival.
24 degrees Aquarius.
We do not focus on the moon. The moon is a reflection of the Sun. The moon reflects the light of the Sun & thus the sign the Sun is presently in. The moon is a timing mechanism only. When the moon is full, it informs us that it is reflecting fully the Sun’s light & the sign the Sun is in.
Therefore, on this full moon day we know the Sun is in Aquarius & that both the Sun & moon, opposite each other, one on each side of the Earth, is receiving & reflecting the Light of Aquarius. Thus the Earth is fully embraced & encompassed by the Light of Aquarius.
And so….
What IS this Aquarius Light?
Aquarius is the Light that shines on earth & across the seas.
The light that ever shines within the dark, cleansing with its purifying & healing rays until the darkness is gone.
Aquarius is the electrifying Light that is becomes the “waters of life for thirsty humanity.”


The Aquarian Labor for Hercules (leaders & humanity itself).
The 11th Labor of Hercules – the cleansing of the “stables”
(environments, countries, etc.) that a king turned his back on so the land & people became ill & were dying.

In Present Day Life
And so this “labor” is heard by the US president & the labor continues in our country, day after day. And it effects the world.
It becomes a teaching for other leaders & countries in our world.

Aquarian Labor – Cleansing with its healing rays all the darkness in our country, all the corruption, until it is all gone & the country is purified & the people begin to live again w/ the Rule of Law & common sense once again enters our country & our world.

Important to know – the moon of the United States is Aquarius.
See charts below. The US chart biwheel (2nd chart).
See the US Moon at the midheaven (inner wheel).
The outer chart is the heavens today at the full moon time.
Sun in Aquarius in the sky on the US moon in Aquarius.
Now we know.

11th Labor.
Reading the 11th Labor, the cleansing of the stables.
Only a great disciples can do this work for a country & then for the world. Disciples are given tasks, from small to large. When a disciple is given the task of leading a country or leading the world, it is a great test for that disciple & a Great Initiation. Disciples on the Path of Wisdom are able to recognize this.



Reading the 11th Labor – Aquarius

Full Moon Aquarius Solar Festival Meditation .
Meditation at the Full Moon Time.
The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available, creating a closer rapport between humanity, the NGWS, Hierarchy & Shamballa.

“He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to the issues of the world of men; he passes on the Lighted Way to the great Centre of Absorption. But he who feels the urge to pass that way, yet loves his brother on the darkened path, revolves upon the pedestal of light and turns the other way.

“He faces towards the dark, and then the seven points of light within himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of those upon the darkened way receives that light. For them the way is not so dark. Behind the warriors–twixt the light and dark–blazes the light of Hierarchy.”

I. GROUP FUSION. We affirm the fact of group fusion and integration within the heart centre of the new group of world servers, mediating between Hierarchy and humanity:I am one with my group brothers, and all that I have is theirs.

May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.
May the strength which is in me lift and aid them.
May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.

II. ALIGNMENT . We project a line of lighted energy towards the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, the planetary heart, the great Ashram of Sanat Kumara; and towards the Christ at the heart of Hierarchy.Extend the line of light towards Shamballa, the centre where the Will of God is known.

III.HIGHER INTERLUDE. Hold the contemplative mind open to the extra-planetary energies streaming into Shamballa and radiated through Hierarchy. Using the creative imagination, endeavour to see the three planetary centres—Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity—gradually coming into alignment and interplay.

IV. MEDITATION. Reflect on the seed thought—using the appropriate keynote for the zodiacal sign.

V. PRECIPITATION. Using the creative imagination, visualise the energies of Light, Love and the Will-to-Good pouring throughout the planet and becoming anchored on Earth in prepared physical plane centres through which the Plan can manifest. (Use the six-fold progression of divine Love as the sequence of energy precipitation–Shamballa/Hierarchy/the Christ/the new group of world servers/men and women of goodwill everywhere in the world/physical centres of distribution.)

VI. LOWER INTERLUDE. Refocus the consciousness, as a group, within the periphery of the great Ashram. Together sound the affirmation:

In the centre of all Love I stand. From that centre I, the soul, will outward move.
From that centre I, the one who serves, will work. May the love of the divine Self be shed abroad,
in my heart, through my group, and throughout the world.

Visualise the downpouring spiritual inflow released from Shamballa through the Hierarchy and streaming into humanity through the prepared channel. Consider how these inpouring energies are establishing the “Pathway of Light” for the coming World Teacher, the Christ.

The Great Invocation.
As the Great Invocation is sounded, we visualise the outpouring of Light and Love and Power from the spiritual Hierarchy through the five planetary inlets (London/Darjeeling/New York/Geneva/Tokyo) irradiating the consciousness of the entire human race & earth’s kingdoms. Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Together under the Light of Aquarius.
As it rains the Aquarian drops of Light. love, Risa

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