Thursday, March 27, 2025- 7pm

Thursday, March 27, 2025- 7pm



Thursday,  March 27, 2025- 9am

Thursday, March 27, 2025- 7pm

Thursday’s meditation.
Under Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom.
Today, March 27, 2025 – Venus (5) retrograde re-enters Pisces. Venus is at home in Pisces (2/6). Venus joins Neptune (6) today.
Under Pisces moon, Aries (1/7) Sun – water & fire.
A very Pisces day – one fish looking to the heavens, the other looking towards the earth, a silk cord binding them.
Heaven & earth as One.

Saturday – Aries new moon – 9 degrees Aries.
With a solar eclipse – something essential falls away.
Where is 9 degrees Aries, in what house? in everyone’s chart?

Reappearance Meditation in the Year of the Precipitation.
In the year of the 100-year Conclave of Hierarchy.

Today – our Thursday rhythms.
Reappearance of the Christ Preparation & Meditation Day.
We recite the Reappearance Mantram together in the Ashram with the Christ & Hierarchy.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say to the Christ….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words. Good words spoken by a Disciple, a Forerunner.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We sound the OM three times, dedicating the three-fold personality (triangle of the personality – physical body, emotions, lower mind offered to the triangle of the Soul – Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence) to the work of Preparation for the Christ’s Reappearance on Earth.

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.
Ohm Ohm Ohm

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

9 + 15 =

Wednesday, March 26, 2025- 9am

Wednesday, March 26, 2025- 9am



Thursday,  March 27, 2025- 9am

Thursday, March 27, 2025- 9am

World Goodwill is Love in Action.
How to have Goodwil?
We begin with the WIll to Good. Which Creates Goodwill.
Goodwill is an aspect of human evolution – Good & Will.
Our purpose on our planet.
Good creates Right Relations which creates Peace.
Goodwill is a driving force towards evolution.
It is a powerful force of change.
It helps create the new humanity, Right Relationships.
It leads to peace.

Today – Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
Ray 4 day – harmony attempting to emerge from conflict & chaos. Goodwill has the ability to prevent extreme conflicts & chaos.
Goodwill is a choice. It is a moral & ethical direction we can choose to take.
Goodwill in all activities of humanity – from individual choices & actions to those in the scientific & technological worlds.

What is our human responsibility?
How do we forge a moral leadership in the world?
Goodwill is a way of Peace-building.

Viewing the quality of knowledge.
Balance needs to be restored.
Virtual reality can lead to illusion or to unity.
Two paths are apparent. The choice.
The role of education is to create an ethical reality for humanity.
All must be done with spiritual consciousness.
We must recognize the vital needs.
Education is to increase life & understanding of who we are as human beings. And not be deprived of life affirming information.
Open discussion must be allowed on complex issues.

When Goodwilll is present, we negotiate conflict & strive for the best possible outcome for ourself, others & the natural world.
We become involved telepathically, & thus help to shape the new world.
Using the imagination & encouraging creativity allows for the freedom of humanity, navigating future challenges.
There is a move to a machine based world.

We must learn during this time to trust in the spiritual world.
Seeking the awakening within ourselves as to what is right good & beautiful, in each morning & evening. And thus learn to nurture all the kingdsom, all matter being alive, seeing the essence within all form. We thus create a new & safer world for all.
Always, at each step, with Goodwill.
A clear moral direction ahead.
Forging a positive vision of the future, building it in light of the fact of divinity transcendent & immanent.

Acting out of trust that the spiritual help is available to all of us.
We each have an innate moral force within us.
The question is how does this innate moral force awaken within us?
We have a moral crisis in every country.
How do we lead humanity based on spiritual sound values?
The NGWS is dedicated to leading humanity and educating humanity via Goodwill, discernment, the will to do good at all times.

Mantram of the NGWS
May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.
Ohm Ohm Ohm

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

3 + 8 =

Tuesday, March 25, 2025- 5pm

Tuesday, March 25, 2025- 5pm



Wednesday,  March 26, 2025- 5pm

Wednesday, March 26, 2025- 5pm

What happens when Mercury (& Venus) are retrograde?
What happens in retrogrades?
What happened today in our government that reflects the retrogrades?
We all know….because we study astrology together.
Who can/will answer the questions. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 4 =

Tuesday, March 25, 2025- 11am

Tuesday, March 25, 2025- 11am



Tuesday,  March 25, 2025- 11am

Tuesday, March 25, 2025- 11am

Cherry Blossoms (in hues of white & pink).
Marking the end of winter, the beginning of springtime.
Happening now – Cherry Blossom Festivals (Hanami in Japanese, viewing the blossoms).

Cherry blossoms are edible. They have a flowery subtle taste, and are a used in many Japanese foods and drinks.
Cherry blossom petals can be dried & sprinkled on foods.

Petal talk – like the petals of the Egoic (Soul) Lotus unfolding.
They are blooming everywhere now in the U.S. In Brooklyn, New Jersey; Boston; Washington DC; Philadelphia; Athens, Ohio; Indiana: St. Louis, Missouri; Tulsa, Oklahoma (in bloom now at the Gathering Place); Traverse City, Michigan (edible cherries); Dallas; Nashville; San Francisco; La Canada, CA; Torrance, CA (LA); Seattle; Honolulu; etc.

Macon, Georgia (300,000 cherry trees), cherry blossom capital of the world – Visitors can watch traditional Japanese flower arrangements, and tour through the “forest” of cherry trees that line the many streets and parks.

The west coast cherry blossom festival has just passed (April).
However, the midwest & east coast blossoms are still just blooming.

Flower Viewing – The Ritual of Hanami
Hanami – meaning “flower viewing” in Japanese – is a custom dating back to the 8th century involving enjoying cherry blossoms’ (or other flowers’) beauty. Sitting alone or with others in quiet silence, gazing at the cherry blossoms, under a cherry blossom tree. Hanami is a time to reflect upon the beauty, the fragility & how lovely and short life is. A being present in the moment before the petals fall.

Night Time Viewing – by lantern light.
At night, Hanami transforms into yozakura – “cherry blossoms at night” – a quiet way to appreciate the blooms, often by lantern light.

Japan sent 3,020 cherry blossom trees to Washington, D.C. in 1912 as a gift. These trees (or their descendants) still fill the National Mall with pink blooms every spring.

Cherry blossom trees likely originated in China’s Himalayan Highlands before making their way to Japan around 1,100 years ago.

George Washington didn’t chop down a cherry tree. The famous tale was added to the fifth edition of one of his biographies to portray him as a virtuous role model.

While cherry blossoms are most commonly pink, they can also be white.

Cherry blossoms are a celebrated & recognized symbol of friendship between the United States & Japan & the Japanese culture.

In Washington DC, thousands of cherry trees are in bloom, along the National Mass & in the Rose Garden of the White House. Washington DC’s cherry blossom festival is from March 20 – April 15 – The cherry blossoms last for 7 – 10 days depending on weather. The trees are the Yoshino Cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossoms, or “sakura” in Japanese, symbolize the fragile & fleeting nature of life, impermanence, of beauty, hope & renewal, blooming as they do at the beginning of spring. The short lifespan of the blossoms, blooming for a brief period before falling, is a powerful metaphor for the transient nature of life and the beauty of appreciating the present moment.

The Cherry blossom is embodied in the life & mortality of the samuri. These warriors lived by a strict moral code of honor, respect, and discipline called bushido – the way of the warrior. Their duty was to embody these virtues while appreciating the inevitability of death without fearing it. It was believed that a fallen cherry blossom symbolized the end of their short lives.

Japanese pilots in World War II embraced a similar meaning of cherry blossoms when they painted their kamikaze planes with the blooms before going on suicide missions to “die like beautiful falling cherry petals for the emperor.”

Cherry Blossoms in Japanese Culture.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 7 =

Monday, March 24, 2025- 5pm

Monday, March 24, 2025- 5pm



Monday  March 24, 2025- 5pm

Monday, March 24, 2025- 5pm

The Rings of Saturn (seemingly) Disappearing.
Today – Monday, a new week begins again!
Life and time are a spiral!
A complex day today – Aquarius moon.
Sun, Mercury & Venus in Aries.
Mercury & Venus both retrograde in Aries, soon to reenter Pisces. Saturn & Neptune in Pisces.
All of which are making us feel quite tired these days.

The Astrology
Sun joins retrograde Mercury today as Moon joins Venus & Mercury. Complex day today – Monday, March 24, 2025.

Venus retrogrades back to Pisces on Thursday.
And Saturday is a solar eclipse, new moon festival – 9 degrees Aries.
And following Venus’s retrograde back to Pisces, Mercury also retrograding back to Pisces. A sojourn into our memories.

Sunday is an important astrological day –
Neptune, after 14 years in PIsces, enters Aries.
The last time Neptune was in Aries was 163 years ago.
Neptune in Aries – 1862 – 1875 –
Question: what was happening in our world then?
If we will each research this question.
And then share what we learn.
Then we are all teachers here.

When the outer planets change signs, it becomes a generational change of realities – we are never the same when the outer planets shift signs & elements.
Pluto left Capricorn (earth) entered Aquarius (air).
Neptune in Pisces (water) is entering Aries (fire).
Uranus in Taurus (earth) is entering Gemini (air)-
Elements/realities shifting from water/earth to fire/air.
From structures & constraint, to freedom.

Interesting Astronomical event.
Saturn’s rings not seen. On March 23, 2025, Saturn’s rings will begin to seemingly “disappear” from Earth’s perspective due to a “ring plane crossing,” where the rings will be viewed edge-on, making them appear thin and nearly invisible

There’s so much yet to come in this year, 2025.The Year of the 100 year Conclave & of the Precipitation.The rings will be nearly invisible for a few months, but they will gradually become visible again as Saturn’s orbit progresses. The rings will be visible again November 2025. During the ring plane crossing (rings seemingly disappeared), Saturn will appear as a pale yellow sphere, with a subtle line around its middle visible through powerful telescopes.
The rings of Saturn are still there, but they are simply not visible from Earth at this specific time due to the angle of view.

Saturn’s rings appear to “disappear” or become very faint roughly every 13 to 15 years, as Saturn’s axial tilt causes the rings to align edge-on to us, making them appear thin and difficult to see.

The great shift of the Ages. And the Reappearance!
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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