Sunday, December 24, 2023- 11am
Sunday, December 24, 2023- 11am
Christmas Eve day.
Road to Bethlehem.
Sunday, December 24, 2023.
Gemini moon today. Mercury & Mars in Sagittarius.
Sun at the beginning degrees of Capricorn.
Pluto at the end degrees.
Mercury remains retrograde till January 1st, 2024.
Sun sextile Saturn tonight – a friendly sort of night tonight.
Our Advent altar has four lights lit today.
Tonight at midnight, we light the middle round white candle.
Candle of Love – for the birth of the Holy Child (the Soul of humanity).
The Birth of the Holy Child.
This is a metaphor & a Teaching about the 1st Initiation – Initiations mean one enters into a higher wider spiritual state of understanding & experience. Or successive stages of Liberation.
The 1st Initiation is called the Birth Initiation.
The Initiation of Birth in Bethlehem (the nourishment from the House of Bread).
Freedom of Control of Physical Body & its Desires & Appetites. That sentence explains the 1st Initiation.
The 1st Initiation is called “fixation, thus stimlation, on the physical plane” which means the focus is on the stimulation of the sacral (chakra. This chakra must be lifted up to the heart. Thus the stimulation. It is the beinning of the Initiations. It has to do with relationships of all types. Relationships stimulate the work needed on the sacral chakra. The present war in the MidEast has to do with the sacral center of the Earth must lift itself up to the heart center of the Earth. Thus the terrible war, with the FDarkness obstructing the “lifting up.”
All of humanity goes thru this Initiation. It is a difficult initation. From darkness to the beginning of the recogntion of Light (the Soul). Life times pass before one enters into the next Initiation, the 2nd Initiation, that of Baptism (both of water & of fire).
The doors of Initiation are electrical. And electricity is yet a mystery for humanity. Humans are electrical units of power & light.
There is to be another “appearance” of the World Teacher (who appeared in the body of Master Jesus at age 30 at the River Jordan with John the Baptist. This next appearance is soon (2025). However the the birth hour is unknown & the “labour” is long, as it depends upon humanity’s preparedness for the World Teacher (Christ of the Piscean Age) to return. The ground is being prepared now for this time of which no one knows the hour or in what form.
The 1st Initiation works with Ray 7 – anchoring a new reality within the individual. This brings about the following at the 1st Initiation –
1. recognition of the relation between the Soul & the mind. Thus a new relationship is formed – a recognition of this relationship, first that the Soul exists & that it is resting (birthed) on the mental plane – this is “A man (thinker) must be “born again” (birth Initiation) in order to enter the Kingdom of God.” Also, this is the “birth of the Holy Child in the heart.” One then begins to recognize those in need, those who need to be served. One can only see this when the Soul has become apparent – birth of the holy child in the heart – (metaphor for the Holy Child’s birth at Christmas time).
2. produces a measure of order in the emotional plane (thus aiding in the 2 Initiation).
3. enables one to establish certain service relationships, demonstrate the first state of a truly creative life (beyond the creativity of generation) & lean the practice of elementary white magic (workings of the Soul).
In this Initiation, a new light begins to burn in the heart of the aspirant. This radiance emanates from the Soul, in the realm of the mind. The Hierarchy scans the world for this “new light” to appear in the hearts & minds of humanity. When they discover the light within an individual, they take the aspirant to the Gate of Intiation on inner planes. And greet the newcomer with chants from the hosts of angelic ministers. There is great rejoicing. One has stepped upon the 1st Path of Light. From now on there is close & tender guidance from Spiritual Beings. Life becomes richer, deeper, more meaningful.
And so to the story.
Mary & Joseph are walking now towards Bethlehem. Mary is about to give birth. She is on a donkey, led by Joseph. They will come to the town of Bethlehem & there will be no room at the inns. They will be shown to a stable. The animal & plant & mineral kingdom all around. A bright & unusual star in the sky. Shepherds are nearby tending sheep. (Every single thing in the story is purposeful, significant & a metaphor – for humanity’s life each day & for each stage of progressive Initiations, fall backs, & then stepping back on the Paths of Initiation again & again).