Wednesday, September 25, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, September 25, 2024- 10am



Wednesday,  September 25, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, September 25, 2024- 10am

How & what & why I write.

Do you have questions?
Writings for the new mind, the kindergarten mind.

We are ALL in kindergarten here.
Including me….
And so….
Yesterday I asked a question.
What is the number of Shamballa?
There was a reason I asked it & the clues were in the actual text.
When reading my posts one must become a deep observer.
And be used to questions. And not knowing the answers.
And so….Teresa answered the question I posed about Shamballa.
Shamballa is the number 24. The clues were in the date yesterday. Who noticed that?

And so…an explanation…
How do I write here on FB?
When I write here about the Wisdom Teachings & astrology, I try to write as simply as possible. I attempt to make the information into a story & make the wisdom teachings & astrology not so complex so that people remain interested, can learn more, and don’t turn away.
My writings here are therefore for the kindergarten mind.
That is the new mond, the innocent pure mind.
I too have a kindergarten mind & if something is too complex for me I can’t integrate it. I can turn away.
Therefore, my writings here are focused on simplicity with at times a bit more complexity than usual thrown in.
Sometimes I ask questions that hardly anyone knows the answer to.
That’s OK. Because someone here on our FB page knows the answers (like Teresa who posted the number of Shamballa which is 24). I will post questions & someone will know the answers & they will post it & then we all learn.
Questions are good.
Not knowing the answers is good too.
Someone in our community here knows the answers.
Challenges are good too. And curiosity.
They all help us think more. We become THINKERS together here.
The Socratic method (asking questions) is the best method of learning.

And today is Wednesday, Mercury’s day – Hermes day.
Both are the messengers of the Gods.
Today, September 24, 2024 – Libra Sun.
Mercury today opposite Neptune –
And Mercury trine Pluto – Mercury on a sojourn into the realm of the outer planets – refining (Neptune) our minds. Transforming (Pluto) our minds. Helping us to become THINKERS.

Thinking on these words today. love, Risa
Does anyone have any questions?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

12 + 11 =

Saturday, August 24, 2024- 8am

Saturday, August 24, 2024- 8am



Saturday,  August 24, 2024- 8am

Saturday, August 24, 2024- 8am

He (RFK, Jr.) did the right thing.
He made the choice for Good.
He is principled & understands power (that subject
is tomorrow here on FB). Power thru love (like the true prez).
And so…
RFK standing next to & with the true prez.

To listen or to read –
The speech is filled with Truth. (video) or its transcript

Today, August 25, 2024 – Saturday, Saturn’s day.
And so…from Phillip Lindsay…

RFK Jr. has thrown his weight behind Trump on Aug.23 – when transiting Mercury retrograde was passing over RFK’s natal Pluto – planet of power.

Although deeply familiar with the workings of power – through his family lineage, RFK is above all about principles.
His speech on Aug. 23 reflects a calm and clear elucidation of those principles and policies – in stark contrast to the frenzy and empty rhetoric of the recent Democrat convention – or any US political convention for that matter! (Well worth watching or reading RFK’s 48′ speech (video) or its transcript )

RFK made his announcement when the sun was in the first degree of Virgo, a sign well-known for its association with health and nutrition – the latter part of his speech was about USA’s health crisis.

RFK’s alienation and suppression by the Dems has put him in an unique position as a centrist and true “original democrat” – in the sense of his father RFK Sr. and uncle JFK. In RFK Jr’s speech, he talked about “joining forces as a unity party”.

Therefore, RFK is potentially a force for change – with the capacity to unite left and right, for something politically new to emerge in the next few years. RFK said that he has “surprisingly” a lot in common with Trump, but that they are fiercely at odds on several issues – as he acknowledged in his speech:

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

2 + 3 =

Friday, July 26, 2024- 8am

Friday, July 26, 2024- 8am



Friday,  July 26, 2024- 8am

Friday, July 26, 2024- 8am

Leo – A Color Map of the Sun.
Music & art today.
Venus’s day – July 25, 2024.
Music & Art – Pretty Lights – Yellow Bird –
Color Map of the Sun.

The Astrology Today.
Leo Sun – Aries Moon – two fires – two fiery lights.
One in the head, one in the heart.
Aries moon – Aries = self identity.
Leo Sun = Creativity. I identify myself by what I create.

Venus inconjuncts Saturn (Leo/Pisces).
Mercury inconjuncts Pluto (Virgo/Aquarius).
All four signs have one Ray in common. What is it?
Inconujncts means the elements are challenged to work together.
However a main Ray of Aspect (there are three Rays of Aspect – Rays 1, 2, 3 – the triangle of the Godhead).
What Ray harmonizes the four signs that are inconjunct?

Chiron retrograded this morning.
From 23 Aries moving back to 19 Aries.
From today to December 28th.
We ponder upon our wounds & sufferings. In the pondering we seek healing. As we heal, we turn to the world, recognize others’ wounds & suffering & in our understanding we offer ourselves as the healing. W

here are these degrees in everyone’s chart?
19 to 23 Aries. What area of life is highlighted?
In my chart – Chiron retro is in my 7th house.
House of relationships. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

11 + 4 =

Sunday, May 12, 2024- 7am



Sunday, May 12, 2024- 8am

Sunday, May 12, 2024- 8am

Mother’s Day –
A Wish, a Greeting, a Blessing & a Poem.
Today is Sunday, May 12, 2024 – Mother’s Day.
Blessings & greetings to all mothers, on earth & in the cosmos.
And to all those who need to be mothers.
From Night Light News –
Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 12. The moon is in a perfect position in Cancer, sign of the mother – intelligent, loving, nurturing and nourishing. Maybe, or maybe not. All mothers, everywhere and all the time are constantly learning to be mothers. 

Some don’t know how to be mothers. We all learn on the job. There is no manual. Love guides us as mother (parents). Sometimes our hearts are not open enough to be loving parents. Yet, here we are as children with mothers and here we are as parents (mothers) with a child or children. Both at times pondering what we are doing here together?

The parent often wondering what is best to do? Who is this little creature (or teenager)? How do we navigate the developmental stages together? And what is “good enough” to do as a parent? Motherhood is an assignment, a spiritual undertaking, an Initiation. It’s demanding, arduous, difficult, confusing, filled with suffering and paradox. Mothering does not come with a job description. Prayer helps guide us. Sometimes that’s all a mother has.

A Poem – A Child of Air, by Robert Louis Stevenson. About mothers and children all grown up. The poet imagines a mother who envisions her child at play, and presents him/herself as a child who cannot be summoned now because he has grown up, becoming therefore, “a child of air”.

This poem is about children growing up & leaving the home. And the mother missing her children & wondering about them, trying to recapture her time with them. Thus the title….

A Child of Air
As from the house your mother sees
You playing round the garden trees,
So you may see, if you will look
Through the windows of this book,
Another child, far, far away,
And in another garden, play.
But do not think you can at all,
By knocking on the window, call
That child to hear you. He intent
Is all on his play-business bent.
He does not hear; he will not look,
Nor yet be lured out of this book.
For, long ago, the truth to say,
He has grown up and gone away,
And it is but a child of air
That lingers in the garden there.

Quote: “Hard work makes a mother. We like to think something magical happens at birth and for some it does. But the real magic is keeping on when all you want to do is run.” From Call the Midwife

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

1 + 1 =

Monday, February 12, 2024- 8am

Monday, February 12, 2024- 8am



Monday,  February 12, 2024- 8am

Monday, February 12, 2024- 8am

A new week begins.
Monday, February 12, 2024.
Aries moon begins our new week.
Sun, Mercury & Pluto are in Aquarius.
Disciples gathering the Aquarian Laws & Principles.
For the new era – carrying then in our Ark from Pisces
to Aquarius – our gift to humanity’s education.

Tonight Mars also enters Aquarius wanting to join the others.

Tomorrow is Mardi Gras – our last big party before Lent.
Tomorrow is Mars/Plluto in Aquarius – a most intense & powerful transit. I will ask today & tomorrow – where is 0/1 degree Aquarius in everyone’s chart?
What house – area of Life. Careful there!

Wednesday is Valentine’s Day – under Taurus moon.
It’s also Ash Wednesday – which means….
Lent begins on Wednesday.
Who will get ashes on their foreheads?
What symbol is placed on the forehead?
What do the ashes signify?
What words are spoken?
What do they mean?

It’s a new week again in the Ashram.
What are everyone’s plans this week?
Monday is wash day in the Ashram.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 12 =

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