Esoteric Astrology as News September 30 – October 7, 2015

A Ritual and Initiation

Sukkoth Harvest Festival (Journey Between the Ages) Begins


The Pope has come and gone. His loving presence ignited new hope and goodness in many. The astrology charts of the US and the Pope harmonize. The Pope’s Sun is Sagittarius (joy & justice). His Rising sign (Soul purpose) 10 Cancer (nurturing humanity) is the U.S. Sun at 12 Cancer and Sirius (where love originates). The Pope, offering love, asked us to pray for him. While Pope Francis was in NYC, China’s ruler arrived in Washington D.C. East (China) & west (Rome) meeting in the middle, under Libra, balancing sign of Right Relations. The Pope arrived at Fall Equinox. Things initiated (begun) at Fall Equinox are birthed at Winter Solstice.

The Pope’s presence was a ritual, an Initiation Rite, like the Dalai Lama’s visits – offering prayers, teachings and blessings. Rituals anchor God’s Plan into the world, initiating us to new realities, new rules. The Pope’s presence brings forth the Soul of the United States, its light piercing the veils of materialism. The Pope worked within a triangle – Washington DC (head center of the US), New York City (throat center of the US), Philadelphia (city of brotherly love – originally the heart center of the US). Triangles allow energies to flow harmoniously. The triangle is the foundation of matter.

The Pope’s visit changed things. After his visit new questions arise, new reasons for living. A new wave of emerging life fills the air. Like a cocoon shifting, wings becoming visible. The winds are different now. Calling us to higher vision, moral values, virtues that reaffirm and offer hope for humanity. A changing of the guard has occurred.

Appropriately, this is the week of the Jewish Festival of Sukkoth (‘til Oct. 4) – when we build temporary homes (little huts in nature) – entering into a harvest of prayer and thanksgiving, understanding our fragile and impermanent existences. We are summoned to reflect upon our lives, our humanity, our nature, our spirit and each other. Offering gratitude, becoming a magnet for others. We observe. We see the needs. We love more.



March 21 – April 19: Are you seeking more intimacy with loved ones? Are you also seeking to show your love more? Are you expressing yourself with more creativity, passion while also being humorous and entertaining? Careful. There’s so much light in you others may feel you’re glowing too brightly and may want to compete. Let them win. You know you’re the first and the best.


April 20 – May 20:Your work is very productive as you resolve financial problems and make a secure future for everyone. Are your environments organized and in order? Or have they collected dust from past ages. Do you feel like something must be done? To tend to your future it’s time to sell or give away what is no longer useful. Of all the signs you’re to be the most prepared.



May 21 – June 20:A golden light emanates from your eyes. It’s Libra’s beauty and creativity. I wonder how you’re expressing this? Gemini has love/wisdom resting in their heart. Do you feel it? When others come in contact with you they’re puzzled. What is it that’s different they wonder? Your personality light dims as your Soul light shines. Ponder this. Study the brothers, Castor & Pollex.



June 21 – July 22: Are you busy with this and that, here and there? Are you interpreting events in your world that you don’t understand? It’s best to check if you truly understand the situations. It’s good for your self-identity to have the truth in all matters. It’s also good if you run meetings, group discussions and community matters. Your leadership qualities are seen and heard and your ideas are applied. Stay humble.


July 23 – August 22: Multiple planets are in your house of travel and I wonder if you’re traveling. To a place where art is on every street corners, restaurants are filled with friendly locals and where you’re staying you have care and tending and time away from work because you push yourself to the limit and beyond. You’re to learn something new, have cultural experiences, journey and eat a lot. Have fun. Sleep well.


August 23 – September 22: Working with your finances and resources becomes interesting when you apply all you have to create a future that is sustainable and ecological for not only you and family, but for humanity. Many will come where you are when the many changes begin. Your mind is filled with more opportunities and ideas as you work with others, each of whom have their specific gifts. Nurture them.


September 23 – October 22: It’s a special time. That of change, transformation, intimacy and a focus on shared resources. You will subtly touch on all these issues. If you are an artist, this is a time to be in your studio creating beautifully inspired works. Be equally creative with your money and resources. Invest in land. Invest in those you love. Invest in the family. No one is taught this anymore. Now you know a secret of the wealthy.


October 23 – November 21:  You’re finding yourself back in time, interacting with people from the past. You’re being given an opportunity to fulfill long help hopes and wishes. As you perform daily work you realize success. It’s taken years to come to this place of understanding. Your gifts and skills are seen, recognized and appreciated. You touch everyone’s heart. This is Soul work.


November 22 – December 21:  Work will become busy, offering new structures and disciplines. You have, in the past, felt overworked with no room for creative endeavors. Your mind is fertile with possibilities. Something reveals itself soon. Perhaps you’re thinking from distant places, people. You long for loving care. Look not at the past, but live in peace and unity at this time.


December 22 – January 19: While Mercury as messenger aligns with Sun & Venus (in Libra) your mind is figuring out what you want to accomplish in the coming months. You’re busy helping others. Always working behind the scenes, tending to others, reading books on religion, seeking respite and seclusion in your garden. All of these prepare you for a future loving & transformed future.


January 20 – February 18: Are you realizing how important your place and responsibilities are in the world? Do you see you’ve come to an end, a culmination of past ambitions and achievements? More goals and responsibility will come forth later placing you in the public eye. You will assume your position with grace creating Right Relations and harmony. Many learn from you. Be aware of this.


February 19 – March 20: Come closer to the one(s) you love. Be aware of the passage of time and have the intention to be kinder to everyone. You will reap many benefits from this. Contact releases love. With more contact, more love is released. This nourishes and nurtures you in return, which you need. Nurturance, care and love from those around you. But you must initiate them first.






Libra Seed Thought

I Choose the Way Which Leads Between Two Great Lines of Force.




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X-flare & Geo-magnetic Storm Monitor: Solar events (sun spots, solar flares, etc.) represent the activity of our the Solar Logos. The Sun’s activity accelerates our evolution. There is a connection between the activity on the Sun and events on Earth.


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