Esoteric Astrology as News September 23 – September 30, 2015

Saturn in Sagittarius – Beginning the Noble Journey

Libra Full Moon, Aries Total Lunar Eclipse


watcher:white horse, banner of peace


saturn:sag*A few hours after Mercury retrograded last week, Saturn (teacher, discipline, structure, Dweller on the Threshold), after two & a half years in Scorpio, entered Sagittarius, sign of the Archer. Saturn remains in Sagittarius ‘til December 20, 2017. Saturn teaches us caution, helps build foundations of true knowledge, calls us to practical useful and meaningful living. Saturn teaches moderation. Enlightenment (a fire) comes slowly and in moderation. Or else we burst into flames. Sometimes with Saturn we can feel melancholy, distant, cold. We learn what our limits are. Saturn builds an identification with our courage and inner strength.

noble path (roerich)With Saturn in Libra, we learned Right Relations; in Scorpio, Discipleship training. In Sagittarius, we begin a new journey. “Out on the plains, in plain sight, on a white horse, Hercules on a noble journey, eyes set on the prize – the mountains of Capricorn.” In Sag we consider what truth and justice are, we attempt to see behind, and remove, the veils hiding Lady Justice’s eyes. We seek to know our principles, their origins, where they are taking us. We want principles to guide us like an arrow directed at the target of authenticity and truth.

In Sagittarius, we seek knowledge and wisdom that makes us teachers. Saturn, the Great Teacher, sees to all of this. The usual excessive behaviors of Sag are curtailed when Saturn enters Jupiter’s sign. Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius. Jupiter’s expansiveness becomes more dignified, defined, structured, more realistic. Good lessons for both Sag and Jupiter. We become practical, responsible, embarking finally on our “noble journey.”

white stone:roerich

Full Moon, Libra Solar Festival (5 degrees Libra) occurs Sunday along with a total lunar eclipse (5 degrees Aries) – something in our outer world comes to an end, its work completed. We are grateful. We observe the emergence of something new in our lives. Something of the self, a previous identity, is completed, made whole. Obstacles are removed (the eclipse). Now we are available for more depth & presence, more love & equality in relationship. The Libra Sun illuminating this. Eclipses influence us over months – 3 before & 3 after the actual eclipse. This eclipse reflects a same sign/degree eclipse that occurred September 26, 1996. Where were we then? What were we doing?

Libra’s seed thought, its keynotes, the words of both the personality & the Soul during the Libra Solar Festival.

“Let choice be made. We make Right Choice when we align with the Will-to-Good. The Soul’s words are, “We choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.” Our choice is world service, expanded consciousness, loving one another more. They bring us perfect balance.


March 21 – April 19:  You’re sensitive to the image projected publically. Much success is comes to you in the coming years. Saturn is forming an umbrella of security encompassing all your endeavors. Saturn is also calling you to learn new things, take up a new study, train, mentor, teach, share knowledge & travel. All of these are offered in the next two years. You expand intellectually which then expands and opens the twelve heart petals.


April 20 – May 20: Beliefs shared with others, intimate connections, monetary and resources held in common all undergo significant change. Desires and aspirations shift, too. Truth becomes most important. No more illusions, fantasies, make-believe, distortions. Just the plain facts. Reality. Finances, debts, obligations will be tended to. You will ponder upon death and what it means. And consider preparing for this Great Adventure.


May 21 – June 20: We enter relationships in order to learn how to be in them. So we can have a reflection of ourselves, learning about love (giving & receiving), companionship, cooperation and sacrifice. The next two years focus Geminis on all aspects of relationship. Saturn defines, strengthens, brings structure and responsibilities to, and disciplines all relationships. You will examine partnerships, commitments and what you truly need.


June 21 – July 22: Relationships with family, children, nurture and things nourishing may test you along with changes in these relationships. There could be strengthening ties, seeking more recognition or separations. Whatever occurs is for the best. There may be pressure to complete tasks, reorganize the home and work environments, be more responsible, to serve more. You need more sleep in the next couple of years, more rest each day.


July 23 – August 22: You may begin to feel that there’s no energy or vital life spark left inside. That your purpose is no longer known. Or that your creativity has disappeared. What’s occurring is a restructuring of the self, a new self is developing, leading to a stronger sense of artistic and creative purpose and expression. Before new identities emerge, the old must die away. You consider past love affairs. Seeing they were good. Forgiving yourself and them. It’s the season.


August 23 – September 22: Re-evaluate, re-work, re-orient, re-order, re-structure. These are Saturn’s tasks offered to you the next two years. These will significantly change you personally and psychologically, slowly over time. Creating a state of preparation for greater creative expressiveness. You will tend to you health and well-being, recognize limitations, ways to better serve and assume more responsibility everywhere. Do not feel burdened. Carry on with a spirit of joy.


September 23 – October 22:  Saturn will be looking at and assessing your communication skills, how you gather and disseminate information professionally and socially. Saturn will offer new ideas on how to organize thoughts and speak with others. You might sound (and feel) more serious. Learning takes precedence over everything. Events, interactions, communications will be actual learning experiences. You might suddenly feel shy, restrained and thus seek limits and boundaries. Understanding the art of forgiveness becomes a theme.


October 23 – November 21: The constant pressure felt the last sixty months finally cease. There’s a feeling, slowly, of relief. You are now to construct a bow and quiver of arrows. You’re to take archery lessons. And study calligraphy. You’re to also study the Ninth Labor of Hercules, understanding it. What occurred in that Labour? And how does it apply to you? You are to tend to finances, know you’re worth everything, become practical and slow down. More later.


November 22 – December 21: You are to follow the directions given above in Scorpio. But more seriously. For you are the ‘Archer’. Saturn will be creating a complete change of personal identity in the next years. Your physical body must be tended to carefully. You will become more mature, somber. A new sense of self-confidence will form. After the old one fades away. Guard against discouragement as a new inner courage is being built. Simplify your life in every way.


December 22 – January 19: You are completing one cycle of life and beginning a new cycle. In the middle of the two there is a transition; a looking inward, a deep reflection of all that’s occurred before. Creating a truthfulness and cleansing, seeking emotions hiding away, bringing them to the light. This may feel uncomfortable. But it’s good & necessary. Saturn wants to take all the goodness within you and prepare the future with it.


January 20 – February 18: You’ve been a very responsible person these last years, learning about your place in the world. Now things will begin to change. Transitioning into you seeking hopes, wishes and dreams, asking who your friends are and how to build and create community. You search for like-minded others, no longer sustaining casual unhelpful relationships. You consider your happiness, your needs and the future to prepare for. You will do all that’s needed. Steadily.


February 19 – March 20: A new set of rules, agendas, structures, disciplines appear concerning your work in the world. A secure professional foundation of your visions will be built over the next several years. Saturn steps in to anchor what one’s task is in the world. There will be recognition and rewards along with greater duties and responsibilities. It’s important to call forth Right Discernment, Right Timing, Right Choice in all endeavors. These virtues are the result of aligning with the Will-to-Good. It’s time.






Libra Seed Thought

I Choose the Way Which Leads Between Two Great Lines of Force




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X-flare & Geo-magnetic Storm Monitor: Solar events (sun spots, solar flares, etc.) represent the activity of our the Solar Logos. The Sun’s activity accelerates our evolution. There is a connection between the activity on the Sun and events on Earth.


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