Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 23 – 29, 2022

Star Gates of Spring Have Opened


 The Star Gates of Spring, of Aries, have opened! Spring has arrived! A great creative spiritual force is now available to all earth’s kingdoms, especially to humanity. Spiritual forces are released into the earth at the four great points of the year – the four seasons. They each offer a different evolutionary need in humanity. Aries is the fiery force that burns the dross of the old nature (winter), releasing a new vital green ardent aspiring livingness. So apparent in spring are nature’s rhythms & laws. Obedience to the cosmic order of things. Nature – means a natural harmonious way of living(ness). 

Spring equinox (Sun at the equator at zero degrees Aries) begins the new spiritual/solar year. In Aries, “all things new” begin. New life emerges in our Northern Hemisphere. Aries is the “fire of the mind”, bringing forth new ideas that become new ideals within humanity. Aries is “electric fire”, the fire in lightning storms usually experienced in Spring. 

During Spring equinox the Solar Angel streams into Earth a fresh impulse (the Plan for the coming year). And at the Full moon during Aries, the Forces of Restoration and the Spirit of Resurrection flow into the Earth (the Mother). These forces offer humanity a new “livingness” by restoring our moral, ethical and psychological health. Their “presence” supports the new Aquarian culture & civilization and the new Spiritual Materialism (Sharing Society) to emerge. They offer a new hope and vision for the new world to unfold. 

Archangel Raphael (the Christian name for Mercury or Hermes), the Healing Angel, begins to preside over the Earth at the equinox, bringing healing and protection. He carries the Caduceus, staff of Mercury. It is written that each evening, Raphael gathers up all of humanity’s requests for healing, carrying them to heaven where he presents them before the throne of God. Here they are transformed into fragrant blossoms, which are then borne down to Earth by Raphael’s (Mercury’s) serving Angels. The flowers, scattered about where there is pain and sorrow, bring solace, care, beauty & comfort to those in need. 

Nature responding to the pathway & light of the sun. A faint blush of green now can be seen (etherically). The daffodils are almost over. The tulips are growing an inch a day, reaching up to the Sun. Pisces (water) offers the past year to Aries (fire). We are now in the water/fire mysteries. The Sun moves northward now, from the equinox to the Tropic of Cancer And so also are the new/moon seeds – all gathered in the heart center, which is our equator. 

Spring is here. We are in the garden everyday now.



March 21 – April 19:  You will feel “in alignment” this month as many new ideas (that become ideals) and unusual revelations are impressed upon your mind. Pay deep attention. They are important and will stabilize your actions and self-identity in the coming challenging times. View and interact in groups with discrimination. Stand tall and courageous and remember that fear just means you need more information. Research.


April 20 – May 20:  It is important to begin to assess your hopes, wishes and goals, all that is needed for the new era and the coming times. As you do, others will be reaching out to you from friends, family and groups asking for your professional sense and for direction. Nurturing and strengthening the ties within your group is a task needed at this time. Your work is valuable to the intelligent understanding of the times. The groups you interact with need nurturing, too. Can you assume that outward loving mantle of care? The color is all shades of blue.


May 21 – June 20:  The times are preparing everyone for the future. And you’re being prepared for a particular future work. With your rulers Mercury and Venus, one preparation is right communication; the other is bringing all that is separate into a unity. Geminis are to point out the dualities of light and dark on our planet. And then assure humanity of the “love that underlies all events in their world” which will save them. Can you do this? During the coming weeks you reflect upon friends, past, present and future. The next Mercury retrograde is in May


June 21 – July 22:   You may be remembering the many friends and groups you’ve affiliated with over time. There was a recognition, a call to leadership, an ability to teach and to help others in need. Do you have a future wish and hope to be fulfilled? Are you considering people far away? Is there a community interaction you seek to participate in? Over the years you’ve developed discrimination, ethics and ideals. How is your garden? Share what you grow.


July 23 – August 22:  Things religious, spiritual, philosophical, legal and adventuresome along with places far from here play upon your mind. You create intentions to be better organized; you prefer plans and agendas to include culture, travel and a sustained just philosophy. It’s important to know how to handle other people’s resources (inner and outer). Seek to learn what is of value about and within each person. Then you recognize how to honor them.


August 23 – September 22:  Work continues to be a stabilizing and expansive influence. You develop new ways of relating to everyone professionally and this creates an effective level of leadership. Your power is greater than you recognize and more than most comprehend. Careful with the authority you have become. Intentionally balance discipline, structure, will and kindness. Let love rule. So all can love and give too.


September 23 – October 22:  Your heart is filled with love for another (new, present or past relationship). Love changes you. You think about money in terms of legacies, inheritances, stocks, investments, taxes or savings. Tend to debts and become resourceful. Tithe generously. Bring all ideas, concerns and information into the light for discussion. And consider what would sustain you (food, people, items, books, elixirs, etc.) if the world suddenly changed.


October 23 – November 21:  You’ve become the mother, the nurturer and nourisher. The chaos and conflict you feel are actually states of emerging creativity. As you awaken to the secrets of nature, a greater identify with Life principle begins. You’re shedding desires, moving into sharing, becoming the aspirant and disciple. At first you rested in the waters of the womb, then swam in earth’s waters. Now (thirsty), you’re seeking the “Waters of Life poured forth for thirsty humanity”. Soon you become the waters. You’re the Mother now.


November 22 – December 21:  In your daily life, be willing to listen carefully to others, agree with and participate in their ideas. Listen more than talking. Just ask questions. This creates a loving emotional balance in your life. Should you do this you will be seen as one who is wise, intelligent and thoughtful – a person of tenderness and care. Begin to consciously cooperate, share and offer praise. These create Right Relations within and without. Right Relations is one of the Laws of the Aquarian Age.


December 22 – January 19:  Your consistent care and nourishment given to family, friends, to the past and to tradition leads to a depth of unexpected feelings along with recognition by others. You are, to family, the “love that underlies all things”. This you consistently give to them. Sometimes our families are far away. If this is the situation radiate Goodwill from your heart to those around you. Then people, walking into your radiant light, feel you are their family, too.


January 20 – February 18:  Watch with care all resources, finances, money. Be very aware of what your values are. Maintain communication with family and siblings. Are you moving about a lot, does your present environment need change and improvement for you to feel safe and secure? Communicate to everyone what your needs are. A new opportunity reveals itself recognizing your talents and your work in the world. Tell everyone what you want to do and be. Work transforms us.


February 19 – March 20:  Something seems to have come to an end. After long years of work, you sense the need for either stopping the work you have been doing, or changing it. I think you need a long rest. Over time you may recreate, look and express yourself differently. You always want to present your authentic self. It’s important for you to be strong and kind, to seek understanding and harmony with others and for your actions to be understood and not misinterpreted. Often you dream your way through life, learning self-confidence through self-realization. Be brave in these endeavors.


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