Esoteric Astrology as News April 15-22, 2015

Pluto Retrograde, Aries New Moon, Lyrid Meteor Showers

Lyrid meteor showers
As the Lyrid meteors, radiating from the star Vega in the Harp constellation, begin showering heaven and earth with light, Pluto, planet of transformation (or die) turns stationary retrograde (Thursday, April 16), 15 degrees Capricorn. Retrogrades have purpose, allowing humanity time to review, reassess, research and reinvent while returning to previous situations.
Retrogrades are times of inner activity, seeds sown in bio-dynamically prepared soil. Pluto retrograde is the most serious and resolute of retrogrades – a pure tincture or, as in homeopathy, a “constitutional” touching the essences of all that maters. Pluto offers deep insight into confusion or puzzlement and areas where transformation is still incomplete.
It’s valuable to have one’s astrology chart to follow what area of life the major planets, especially Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, are influencing us. These outer planets have long-term and lasting affects on our psyche, inner/outer life events, how people see us and how we see and process our world.
plutopluto 1
Pluto, retrograde for five months (until September 24) offers deep earthquakes of change, awakens humanity to the task of building (Capricorn) the new culture and civilization, flailing our inner world about, deepening us until we transform and do things differently. Pluto is an unrelenting teacher.
Aries new moon
New Moon (29 Aries) is Saturday, April 18. With the personality-building keynote, “ Let form again be sought.” Mars (working with Aries) anchors the new creative fires of Aries into our world. The New Group of World Servers participates together in the new moon festival, while also preparing for the Taurus Wesak, Buddha Full Moon Festival (May 3). Join us everyone.


A new and surprising state of identity affecting everyone, especially you, Ari, occurs this week with Pluto retrograde and the Aries new moon. Your days and nights are overshadowed by this regenerating energy. Use it with knowledge and care. Act only on harmless feelings. Tend to feelings by exercising, reading and resting more. Don’t become difficult and authoritative. Protect others through kindness.
While returning to a time, friend, event, city, state, idea, etc. from the past, you ponder on spiritual realities and attempt to conquer tasks not quite completed. These bring forth revelations, next steps, forgiveness and closure. You’re called to tend others, perhaps many, in healing crisis. Appreciate everything you’re asked to do. These are direction for further learning. Consider different paths forward.
Some things have outlived their usefulness. Thank them, releasing them to their next reality. Mars (action) and Mercury (thoughts) in your twelfth, ask you to consider a place of contemplation, poise and quiet for a month. Energies are affecting you from all directions. When challenges appear you want to step aside like a tai-chi master letting energies flow into elements. Tai-chi, calligraphy and archery are good disciplines for you, the brothers, ruled by Venus.
You attempt to remain hidden even while in the world serving others. It’s a paradox of Cancer that you must always be both. In all actions there’s always the desire to include the opposite. You have the intention to balance inner and outer, public and private, seen and unseen (of which you both are and are not). Don’t be confused by this. Something new occurs in your groups.
If emotions aren’t being expressed then something will occur (or someone may appear) bringing them out into the open challenging you to share how you feel. Is a sense of abandonment being felt? Is your present home a bit lonely and/or do you feel a past sadness and loss? Throughout what’s occurring there’s a pendulum swinging here, there, past and present. Someone misses you.
Be extra cautious and aware. You’re sensitive, restless and hungry. Try as you might, it can’t be soothed by chocolate, or ice cream. Ask yourself if what you want is a past memory, a present need or a future reality you must create? Nurture all plans with kindly patience. Daily life can feel difficult, transforming, yet regenerative. Always seek forgiveness. Step away for a while. A long trip elsewhere would be good.
As Pluto retrogrades this week, you turn toward home seeking what needs renovating, redecorating and reimagining. The garden first. New vines, perhaps, especially night blooming ones – jasmine and moon flowers. Beauty encourages and helps you cooperate more. You want to harmonize the intensity. Know that the key to successful outcomes is intention. Always ask what your intentions are. Ask others, their intentions, too.
You want to be sensible and practical, forgetting all the deep stuff for a while, applying yourself full to daily needs in order to feel stability. You begin to weigh day-to day-responsibilities with thoughts on how to include contemplation and retreat. The Forces of Restoration are out and about this month. They will help you. Ask them. Only to you do I reveal this.
You have moments of peace and freedom. And then a new reality emerges and feelings of freedom and fun disappear and you assume high maintenance exhaustive work and you ask (your mantram) “Why me, God?” and then you set about tending to what’s at hand. And realize your life suddenly became easier through acceptance and you feel pleasure recognizing your skills and don’t think you’re immovable for you’re just assessing things – in your own time.
You step away from the world for moment, focus on family needs and suddenly you have more energy facing those you love. Tenderness sweeps through your heart. You want to care for them in ways great and small. However, you must tend to self first. Have a protein-filled breakfast. The quality of our early morning foods equals the amount and quality of energy we have each day. We can train ourselves to eat differently. It’s simply a useful Capricorn way toward success. “Usefulness” is a Cap word.
Be very observant of your communication. Be aware also of those you’re not communicating with. And why. Offer everyone kindness and equality. Toward those opposing you, anger may erupt. Assess what is Right Relations. Don’t allow your anger or actions to be out of control. It could be dangerous. Feelings may explode unexpectedly. Stand back and observe. The energies are quite complex. Be in charge quietly.
Notice the energetic shift from fire (Aries) to earth (Taurus). Call upon the fire of spirit and the sustenance of earth to help heal you in the coming weeks. Be truthful in all matters. If you don’t understand, ask for clarification. Allow no one’s reality to become greater than your reality, including your needs. Love comes slowly and from far away. And then, all of a sudden, it appears again! Help is as close as a whisper.






 View Graphs of the Sun’s Activity

X-flare & Geo-magnetic Storm Monitor: Solar events (sun spots, solar flares, etc.) represent the activity of our the Solar Logos. The Sun’s activity accelerates our evolution. There is a connection between the activity on the Sun and events on Earth.

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